1930 - The foundation of the Bank for International Settlements
In the aftermath of World War I, (which is remembered as the most brutal and horrific conflict in human history, "the war to end all wars"), many of the nations of Europe, together with several other of the world's leading nations, signed an agreement to surrender their precious metals holdings into one single centralized system of monetary control. The gold and other precious metals would be 'placed on deposit', thus ensuring that each nation still 'owned' their assets. Thus was born the Bank for International Settlements, 'the central bank of central banks', which exists to this very day as the single most powerful banking institution on the planet. The list of nations included in this arrangement included the following (statement taken directly from the Brussels protocol of 1936):
"The duly authorised representatives of the Government of His Majesty the King of the Belgians, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of Canada, the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Government of New Zealand, the Government of the Union of South Africa, the Government of India, the Government of the French Republic, the Government of His Majesty the King of the Hellenes [Greece], the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy, the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, the Government of the Republic of Poland, the Government of the Republic of Portugal, the Government of His Majesty the King of Roumania, the Government of the Swiss Confederation, the Government of His Majesty the King of Yugoslavia."
In the aftermath of World War I, (which is remembered as the most brutal and horrific conflict in human history, "the war to end all wars"), many of the nations of Europe, together with several other of the world's leading nations, signed an agreement to surrender their precious metals holdings into one single centralized system of monetary control. The gold and other precious metals would be 'placed on deposit', thus ensuring that each nation still 'owned' their assets. Thus was born the Bank for International Settlements, 'the central bank of central banks', which exists to this very day as the single most powerful banking institution on the planet. The list of nations included in this arrangement included the following (statement taken directly from the Brussels protocol of 1936):
"The duly authorised representatives of the Government of His Majesty the King of the Belgians, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of Canada, the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Government of New Zealand, the Government of the Union of South Africa, the Government of India, the Government of the French Republic, the Government of His Majesty the King of the Hellenes [Greece], the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy, the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, the Government of the Republic of Poland, the Government of the Republic of Portugal, the Government of His Majesty the King of Roumania, the Government of the Swiss Confederation, the Government of His Majesty the King of Yugoslavia."
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"The Bank for International Settlements, its property and assets as well as all the property and assets which are or will be entrusted to it, whether coin or other fungible goods, gold bullion, silver or any other metal, precious objects, securities or any other objects the deposit of which is admissible in accordance with banking practice, are exempt from the provisions or measures referred to in paragraph 2 of Article X of the Agreement with Germany and in Article 10 of the Constituent Charter consecutive to the Convention with Switzerland, of the 20th January 1930.
The property and assets of third parties, held by any other institution or person, on the instructions, in the name or for the account of the Bank for International Settlements, shall be considered as entrusted to the Bank for International Settlements and as enjoying the immunities laid down by the Articles above-mentioned by the same right as the property and assets which the Bank for International Settlements holds for the account of others, in the premises set apart for this purpose by the Bank, its branches or agencies."
In exchange for putting their "gold bullion, silver or any other metal, precious objects, securities or any other objects the deposit of which is admissible" on deposit with the BIS, the leaders of nations were granted bonds in enormous denominations, some of which individually topped the $1 billion dollar mark. The leaders were instructed to bury these bonds, as they were never intended to be revealed to the public. This was all done in secret, away from the eyes of the free people of the planet, by the leaders of the most powerful nations on earth. *Note: You will notice that the United States is not one of the nations mentioned in this protocol. This is due to the fact that the U.S. willingly surrendered their precious metals holdings.
The property and assets of third parties, held by any other institution or person, on the instructions, in the name or for the account of the Bank for International Settlements, shall be considered as entrusted to the Bank for International Settlements and as enjoying the immunities laid down by the Articles above-mentioned by the same right as the property and assets which the Bank for International Settlements holds for the account of others, in the premises set apart for this purpose by the Bank, its branches or agencies."
In exchange for putting their "gold bullion, silver or any other metal, precious objects, securities or any other objects the deposit of which is admissible" on deposit with the BIS, the leaders of nations were granted bonds in enormous denominations, some of which individually topped the $1 billion dollar mark. The leaders were instructed to bury these bonds, as they were never intended to be revealed to the public. This was all done in secret, away from the eyes of the free people of the planet, by the leaders of the most powerful nations on earth. *Note: You will notice that the United States is not one of the nations mentioned in this protocol. This is due to the fact that the U.S. willingly surrendered their precious metals holdings.
"I further wish to add that there is no Japanese subject who could go against
the will of His Majesty, more particularly among high officials of the Japanese government or of Japan " Hideki Tojo, Tokyo Trial, Dec. 31, 1947, Prime Minister, July 1941-July 1944. |
While the 'official' history of the BIS can be corroborated through information gathered on their website, the 'unofficial' story is far more secretive and indeed nefarious in nature. The drafting of a plan to form a global central bank to 'put on deposit' the gold and precious metals assets of many of the world's most powerful nations actually began in 1921, when Japanese Emperor Hirohito, the grandson of the Meiji Emperor, was invited to take a six month tour of many of the major European nations. One of these included a visit by Hirohito to London to meet with King
George V. |
What the history books do not tell us are the true reasons for Hirohito's pre-World War II involvement with many of the leaders of the most powerful European nations: To make a secret deal with the Western oligarchy to loot Southeast Asia of its vast hordes of gold and precious metals.
After World War I, it was decided by world leaders that the only way to achieve prosperity and harmony in the future was by creating a centralized system of control over the world's supply of gold and other precious metals. At the time, a decentralized system of precious metals ownership existing amongst the nations of the world was viewed as a possible catalyst for future conflict, as in this type of a system, it remained all too possible for one or a small number of nations to possess the majority of the world's precious metals supply, thus leading to global financial imbalance. While this seems initially like a noble idea, it must be clearly understood that the people who were behind this, the true power brokers, cared little for the welfare of the free people of the planet. It is for this very reason why this deal was developed in secret, away from the eyes of the public.
The reason why Hirohito was invited into the fold was due to the fact that, at this time, a majority of the world's gold was in fact centered in Southeast Asia, having been brought there through thousands of years of trade along the silk road. Seeing as how the Southeast Asian nations played no part in the atrocities of World War I, they had little reason to agree to such a centralized system of control over the world's monetary system. Thus, Japan was to be used as a proxy to obtain these vast riches through theft and murder. In essence, Hirohito himself was used as a puppet for the Western oligarchy to obtain possession of Southeast Asia's vast riches.
Click HERE to read an in-depth article regarding the shadowy side of Emperor Hirohito, one that was only revealed in his dealings with the Western oligarchy.
After World War I, it was decided by world leaders that the only way to achieve prosperity and harmony in the future was by creating a centralized system of control over the world's supply of gold and other precious metals. At the time, a decentralized system of precious metals ownership existing amongst the nations of the world was viewed as a possible catalyst for future conflict, as in this type of a system, it remained all too possible for one or a small number of nations to possess the majority of the world's precious metals supply, thus leading to global financial imbalance. While this seems initially like a noble idea, it must be clearly understood that the people who were behind this, the true power brokers, cared little for the welfare of the free people of the planet. It is for this very reason why this deal was developed in secret, away from the eyes of the public.
The reason why Hirohito was invited into the fold was due to the fact that, at this time, a majority of the world's gold was in fact centered in Southeast Asia, having been brought there through thousands of years of trade along the silk road. Seeing as how the Southeast Asian nations played no part in the atrocities of World War I, they had little reason to agree to such a centralized system of control over the world's monetary system. Thus, Japan was to be used as a proxy to obtain these vast riches through theft and murder. In essence, Hirohito himself was used as a puppet for the Western oligarchy to obtain possession of Southeast Asia's vast riches.
Click HERE to read an in-depth article regarding the shadowy side of Emperor Hirohito, one that was only revealed in his dealings with the Western oligarchy.