All my scripture postins are done from the KJV - My version was published in 1990.
The Manipulation of Our Children!
“ATHEISTS who DO GOOD are REDEEMED, not just Catholics”. (WRONG!)
“The BIG BANG THEORY does NOT contradict the Role of God as divine Creator.” (Francis is sadly a strong believer in Evolution)
“If someone is GAY and SEARCHING for the LORD and has GOOD WILL then who am I to JUDGE them.” (1 Cor 5:12-13)
“GOD is NOT a DIVINE BEING or a magician.” (Wow! how unbiblical)
“ATHEISTS who DO GOOD are REDEEMED, not just Catholics”. (WRONG!)
“The BIG BANG THEORY does NOT contradict the Role of God as divine Creator.” (Francis is sadly a strong believer in Evolution)
“If someone is GAY and SEARCHING for the LORD and has GOOD WILL then who am I to JUDGE them.” (1 Cor 5:12-13)
“GOD is NOT a DIVINE BEING or a magician.” (Wow! how unbiblical)
To Name A Few: To Name A Few: Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, Kenneth & Gloria Copeland, Jessie Duplantis, Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Hagin, Creflo Dollar, Paula White, Larry Huch, Myles Munroe, Jan & Paul Crouch, Fredrick Price, Mike Murdock, John Crowder, John Hagee, Sid Roth, Rod Parsley, Paul & Jan Crouch, etc
1. I DISLIKE PROSPERITY MINISTRY BECAUE IT TEACHES BLASPHEME/LIES AND CHRISTIANS ARE SO EASILY TURNED TO IT BECAUSE IT "SOUNDS SO GOOD". IF BLASPHEME WERE NOT SO IMPORTANT IT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN SO DIRECTED WITHIN THE SCRIPTURES AS WITHIN MATTHEW 12: 31-33. And you might do well to study what falls behind it. Secondly, prosperity miinistry appears to show to the world the only people within those churches that have mansions, hudge boats and large airplanes are the pastors - not the congregation which also shows me how easily Christians can be manipulated into being almost anything.
2. If you love God’s word, the Bible, would you ever want to lie to people about what it really says? One of the most hateful and abusive things happening in the church-world today is when a person opens the Bible and uses it as a tool for deception. This is blasphemy. This is what prosperity preachers do. The Bible declares some incredible things about itself. 2 Timothy 3:16 specifically reminds us that Scripture is “God breathed.” How dare someone take what comes directly from the Holy One and use it for sordid gain? "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." 2Timothy 3:16 No where in the bible can I find where the belief in him or your tithings will make you rich in any personal material things - only in your relationship with him.
3. I dispise the way prosperity ministry deminishes and insults my Lord depriving him of the love, respect and honor of which should be placed on him always. Prosperity churches are teaching by mis-quoting the definition of his scriptures and giving false promise to their church members for the mere purpose of building up their earthly empires, is nothing short of Blaspheme. Their sermons sound like they are doing a TV commercial selling a bill of goods that you will get to the cross if you are beautiful by using Olay or obtain you will obtain atonement by making Christ sound like he is a lottery ticket. We do deserve wrath for our sins but instead he took our place. Is that how you tell him you love him? Romans 14:11-12 For it is written, As I LIVE, SAITH THE LORD, EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW TO ME, AND EVERY TONGUE SHALL CONFESS TO GOD. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
4. Christians are so easily taken in by the prosperity ministries. I find it so out of control when you have a minister like Joel Osteen continually misquote Bible scripture. They are leading the Lord's sheep down a crooked path and it has become out of control. Prosperity ministry churches have laid out a path of destruction for not only themselves but their church members. If any of them were not already friendly with scripture, these minister's lies are unholy, of unholy. They are praying for prosperity in the material way believing that by their prayers and donations, that will get them into heaven. Sorry, you are more likely to end up in a place where your soul will be crying out for etermity. Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. How can you reach this measure of God's love if you are always looking at the material end?
5. And last, but not of the least important, it is hurting our poor. How can these men and women supposedly of God, take a vacation in their large ship (they aren't boats) and return just before giving a serom on Sunday morning and justify it? Then after church they get on their religious radio show telling people their road to heaven is givng to the poor (TBN has done pretty well by this for years). Do you have no shame? I don't know how man different stories I have heard of widows sending all their money to these churches leaving themselves with nothing - where is the church then? I cannot believe the salaries these ministers and their staff are receiving, besides the pension, paid vacations and add to that the sales they make from their books and tapes. How many church scandals have you heard about in the last 10 years for mountains of reasons. God loves the poor! I wonder what he thought about Joel Osteen when he kept his church locked after Hurricaine Harvey against the people whose homes had been destroyed and in addition, lied to the press saying, the facility was "inaccessible" due to "severe flooding." 1John 3:17-18 "But whoso hath this world's good, and seeeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
I do pray ministers of the PROSPERITY and other wayward churches, to get within you a "right hand and tongue", learn God's true word and teach it to your pupils or "LET HIS PEOPLE GO SO THEY MAY HOLD A FEAST UNTO HIM". Exodus 5:1 KJV
While writing the above, I couldn't help but think of our Lord in the Temple courtyard, overturning tables, driving out the moneychangers. Remembering there is a difference between being passionate about something and a passion wehich draws us away from God.
Please go to the "False Prophets" link on the main page and listen carefully to ALL of Justin Peters video's. The one I particularly want you to listen to in the one entitled "Dangerous Doctrines" and HEAR the words flowing from their mouths - especially at about 53:00 when Paula White and Larry Hutch take a turn. Listen very close!
Please go to the "False Prophets" link on the main page and listen carefully to ALL of Justin Peters video's. The one I particularly want you to listen to in the one entitled "Dangerous Doctrines" and HEAR the words flowing from their mouths - especially at about 53:00 when Paula White and Larry Hutch take a turn. Listen very close!