Turkey’s populace—once deemed the most secular and liberal in the Muslim world—is reverting to its Islamic heritage, complete with animosity for the infidel West and dreams of Islam’s glory days of jihad and conquest.
And American parents allow their children to travel to Turkey each year for a form of indoctrination of Islam! Where are your minds?
And American parents allow their children to travel to Turkey each year for a form of indoctrination of Islam! Where are your minds?
Schools Run By Turkish Terrorist Hiding in U.S.
![]() A secretive foreign network of Islamic radicals now operates dozens of charter schools -- which receive government money but are not required to adopt a state-approved curriculum -- on U.S. soil. The inspirer of this conspiratorial effort is Fethullah Gülen, who directs a major Islamist movement in Turkey and the Turkish Diaspora but lives in the United States. He is number thirteen among the world's "50 most influential Muslims," according to one prominent listing.
Gülen has been criticized as the puppet master for the current Turkish government headed by the "soft Islamist" Justice and Development Party, known by its Turkish initials as the AKP, in its slow-motion showdown with the secularist Turkish military. But Gülen is also known in Muslim countries for his network of 500-700 Islamic schools around the world, according to differing sources favorable to his movement. A more critical view of Gülen's emphasis on education asserts that his international network of thousands of primary and secondary schools, universities, and student residences is a key element in solidifying an Islamist political agenda in Turkey. READ MORE |
A Global Turkish Islam How can Gülen and his movement become a universal religion and how can they replace capitalism and become a global power? Gulen is using the same method that Muhammad used to conquer the Arabian Peninsula. From three people to more than a billion Muslims, his movement advances Gulen’s doctrine that the only way they can become powerful is to stand on their own feet, which means by gaining economic independence from the West and from non-Muslims. How can they become economically independent from the non-Muslims or West? He encourages his followers to get the positive things from the West, America, and other developed countries, such as technology and education and to leave the negative things, such as religion and social norms. For example, as they are now doing in America, they have placed so many of their followers in large engineering firms, for example, Raytheon, Boeing, and Aerospace; in universities; NASA, Hollywood, and even the White House. They made a decision to replace laid-off American workers with Turks and to negotiate contracts with factories in Turkey. READ MORE
Gulen Charter Schools In The U.S.

Charter schools operated by the Turkish Gulen movement, which have been springing up across the US, are under investigation by the FBI and departments of Labor and Education, an in-depth report published by the Philadelphia Inquirer Sunday detailed.
The investigations are centered on whether some charter school employees are kicking back of their salaries to the Gulen movement, which is led by a Turkish exile Fathulah Gulen, an Islamist political figure, who is in cross hairs with Turkish Prime Minister Recept Tayyip Erdogan and has been living in Pennsylvania after being granted asylum by the US.
The federal probe also centers on the large number of H1B visas being requested for Gulen-run school teachers and staff, whereby local teachers are
passed up for those imported from Turkey. “The schools are funded with millions of taxpayer dollars. Truebright alone receives more than $3 million from the Philadelphia School District for its 348 pupils. Tansu Cidav, the acting chief executive officer, described it as a regular public school,” reported the Philadelphia Inquirer.
“Gulen schools are among the nation’s largest users of the H1B visas. In 2009, the schools received government approvals for 684 visas – more than Google
Inc. (440) but fewer than a technology powerhouse such as Intel Corp. (1,203),” added the Inquirer article. Gulen runs charter schools in Ohio, California, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Utah and other states. Last year, the Los Angeles Unified School District granted a charter to the Gulen-affiliated Magnolia School in North Hollywood and portion of Birmingham High School in Van Nuys.
In 2010, a group of parents in Tucson, Arizona, appealed to the local school board with concerns that the charter school affiliated with the Gulen movement was “part of a confederation of learning institutions secretly linked to, and advancing, the cause of Turkish scholar and Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen,” according the Tucson Weekly.
The investigations are centered on whether some charter school employees are kicking back of their salaries to the Gulen movement, which is led by a Turkish exile Fathulah Gulen, an Islamist political figure, who is in cross hairs with Turkish Prime Minister Recept Tayyip Erdogan and has been living in Pennsylvania after being granted asylum by the US.
The federal probe also centers on the large number of H1B visas being requested for Gulen-run school teachers and staff, whereby local teachers are
passed up for those imported from Turkey. “The schools are funded with millions of taxpayer dollars. Truebright alone receives more than $3 million from the Philadelphia School District for its 348 pupils. Tansu Cidav, the acting chief executive officer, described it as a regular public school,” reported the Philadelphia Inquirer.
“Gulen schools are among the nation’s largest users of the H1B visas. In 2009, the schools received government approvals for 684 visas – more than Google
Inc. (440) but fewer than a technology powerhouse such as Intel Corp. (1,203),” added the Inquirer article. Gulen runs charter schools in Ohio, California, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Utah and other states. Last year, the Los Angeles Unified School District granted a charter to the Gulen-affiliated Magnolia School in North Hollywood and portion of Birmingham High School in Van Nuys.
In 2010, a group of parents in Tucson, Arizona, appealed to the local school board with concerns that the charter school affiliated with the Gulen movement was “part of a confederation of learning institutions secretly linked to, and advancing, the cause of Turkish scholar and Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen,” according the Tucson Weekly.
Recruiting Our Children To Islam In Our Schools!

At Excelsior Middle School in Byron County, a handout called Islam: A Simulation was used to help children "become Muslim." The handout states:
"From the beginning, you and your classmates will become Muslims."
Children choose Muslim names, "play Jihad," memorize the Quran, pray to Allah and fast for Ramadan. Islam is transformed to a fanciful fun religion and an unrealistic view of Islam is planted in their minds, even as Christians and Jews are killed at every border of predominantly Muslim nations.
U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton ruled these class activities are acceptable, opening doors for all schools to incorporate such approaches.
This is not a choice for parents. Clinton's "Religious Expression in Public School" state:
"Students generally do not have a Federal right to be excused from lessons that may be inconsistent with their religious beliefs or practices."
Pay attention. There went religious freedom.
A brave few parents have been objecting to the Christian persecution and Muslim indoctrination happening in public school today. Darla Dowell bravely objected to the censorship of Christmas in public school while all other religions are allowed. She stood alone.
Valerie Moore objected to a large banner in front of her school proclaiming, "There is one God, Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet." Valerie, too, stood alone.
Elizabeth Lemmings objected to the activities in "Islam: A Simulation." A teacher and alone, the social pressure was intense to the point that the family involved actually picked up the baton and filed the lawsuit against Byron Union School District on behalf of their children. The case was dismissed.
It takes courage to stand up for what is right, to fight for religious freedom. How disappointing that a federal judge completely disregarded the double standard and dismissed the case, leaving children mandated to memorize the Quran, learn Muslim beliefs as fact and embrace Islam.
America, God has been warning us, and we did nothing. Public schools are forcing our children to know other gods.
Our children's textbooks teach that Rome fell 1) because of Christians somehow... 2) because of the lethargy of the people. History is repeating itself. Instead of getting involved, we went shopping. We cared more about the content of the latest burger at BurgerKing than we did the content of our children's textbooks.
We turn off Bill O'Reilly to avoid conflict, we would rather be entertained at the movies. We applaud Frodo and Aragorn in "Lord of the Rings," we cheer as they forge ahead against impossible odds overwhelmed by the enemy, we live and breathe their victories, but we bury our heads at what is happening in our own world.
Mel Gibson played a courageous godly man in "The Patriot." At first he refused to get involved with the Revolution, remembering the cruelty of war in the past. But after his son lay murdered in his arms, after evil and oppression overtook his world, he attacked the soldiers who intended to unjustly hang his second son. We cheered as he fought a bloody battle and freed his family. Afterwards, in moments of reflection, his sister-in-law said, "You've done nothing for which you should be ashamed." The Patriot replied, " I've done nothing, and for that I am ashamed."
Beloved Americans, we should be ashamed. Too many of us have done nothing. Our children have endured sustained attacks on their faith alone in public school and are floundering. We are losing our families, our heritage, our freedom. Islam is resolved, either by persuasion or force, to overtake America. Clear evidence shows that Clinton surrendered our children to Islam. The courts are following his lead and President Bush...if President Bush has taken any action to clean up our schools from Muslim indoctrination, it is behind the scenes and I pray it is so...but with every day that passes, with every unanswered judgment by a treasonous court, hope for revival led by a godly president fades.
So as we close our eyes to the state of our country and buy tickets to see Frodo and Aragorn fight for the freedom of Middle Earth, as we cheer for the courage of the Patriot, as we think we identify with heroism, know that we left the real heroes out in the cold. The Darla Dowells, the Valerie Moores, families who sacrificed their worlds, who risked subjecting their children to persecution, who stood against public school tyranny. But they stood alone, and today, with the stroke of a federal judge, they lost the war they battled to protect OUR children.
Will we now rally together, pick up the AMERICAN flag and fight for our freedom? Or will we find the remote, flip the channel and remind our children to go study their Quran. Perhaps we can last another ten years before we notice the CONTENTS of the Quran...and what the judges rule...how far the sun will set before we notice the last vestige of our freedom is gone.
Rev. Austin Miles is still standing, fighting alone. He has filed a petition to disbar Michael Newdow, the petitioner against the Pledge phrase, "under God." Miles submitted evidence that Newdow has filed frivolous and malicious lawsuits, violated the rules of professional conduct and lying to the courts under oath.
At age 70, Miles is recovering from double strokes. Miles alleges that because of the deliberate, malicious actions of Newdow, he has caused additional health problems, and liability is being established. Indeed Miles is concerned for his life, but the State Bar of California has simply closed the file, apparently closing the file on Miles' life as well.
Beloved Americans, protest. Protest now. Because if we don't vigilantly guard our freedom, if we don't stand together as one nation under God, we are set to become one world under Allah, instructed to kill all who disbelieve. Yes, there are peaceful Muslims, yes, we should love Muslims, but their holy book, the Quran, is the foundation of Taliban regimes. Look at every predominantly Islamic government.
And in that event, just show me the line of the martyrs. You can have that world. There is no room for me in Islamamerica. When Americans truly hate Christians and freedom so much they prefer Islamamerica, we will give it to you, but I pray America goes out with more than a whimper. Our forefathers fought for better than that, they paid with blood what we're giving away.
"From the beginning, you and your classmates will become Muslims."
Children choose Muslim names, "play Jihad," memorize the Quran, pray to Allah and fast for Ramadan. Islam is transformed to a fanciful fun religion and an unrealistic view of Islam is planted in their minds, even as Christians and Jews are killed at every border of predominantly Muslim nations.
U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton ruled these class activities are acceptable, opening doors for all schools to incorporate such approaches.
This is not a choice for parents. Clinton's "Religious Expression in Public School" state:
"Students generally do not have a Federal right to be excused from lessons that may be inconsistent with their religious beliefs or practices."
Pay attention. There went religious freedom.
A brave few parents have been objecting to the Christian persecution and Muslim indoctrination happening in public school today. Darla Dowell bravely objected to the censorship of Christmas in public school while all other religions are allowed. She stood alone.
Valerie Moore objected to a large banner in front of her school proclaiming, "There is one God, Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet." Valerie, too, stood alone.
Elizabeth Lemmings objected to the activities in "Islam: A Simulation." A teacher and alone, the social pressure was intense to the point that the family involved actually picked up the baton and filed the lawsuit against Byron Union School District on behalf of their children. The case was dismissed.
It takes courage to stand up for what is right, to fight for religious freedom. How disappointing that a federal judge completely disregarded the double standard and dismissed the case, leaving children mandated to memorize the Quran, learn Muslim beliefs as fact and embrace Islam.
America, God has been warning us, and we did nothing. Public schools are forcing our children to know other gods.
Our children's textbooks teach that Rome fell 1) because of Christians somehow... 2) because of the lethargy of the people. History is repeating itself. Instead of getting involved, we went shopping. We cared more about the content of the latest burger at BurgerKing than we did the content of our children's textbooks.
We turn off Bill O'Reilly to avoid conflict, we would rather be entertained at the movies. We applaud Frodo and Aragorn in "Lord of the Rings," we cheer as they forge ahead against impossible odds overwhelmed by the enemy, we live and breathe their victories, but we bury our heads at what is happening in our own world.
Mel Gibson played a courageous godly man in "The Patriot." At first he refused to get involved with the Revolution, remembering the cruelty of war in the past. But after his son lay murdered in his arms, after evil and oppression overtook his world, he attacked the soldiers who intended to unjustly hang his second son. We cheered as he fought a bloody battle and freed his family. Afterwards, in moments of reflection, his sister-in-law said, "You've done nothing for which you should be ashamed." The Patriot replied, " I've done nothing, and for that I am ashamed."
Beloved Americans, we should be ashamed. Too many of us have done nothing. Our children have endured sustained attacks on their faith alone in public school and are floundering. We are losing our families, our heritage, our freedom. Islam is resolved, either by persuasion or force, to overtake America. Clear evidence shows that Clinton surrendered our children to Islam. The courts are following his lead and President Bush...if President Bush has taken any action to clean up our schools from Muslim indoctrination, it is behind the scenes and I pray it is so...but with every day that passes, with every unanswered judgment by a treasonous court, hope for revival led by a godly president fades.
So as we close our eyes to the state of our country and buy tickets to see Frodo and Aragorn fight for the freedom of Middle Earth, as we cheer for the courage of the Patriot, as we think we identify with heroism, know that we left the real heroes out in the cold. The Darla Dowells, the Valerie Moores, families who sacrificed their worlds, who risked subjecting their children to persecution, who stood against public school tyranny. But they stood alone, and today, with the stroke of a federal judge, they lost the war they battled to protect OUR children.
Will we now rally together, pick up the AMERICAN flag and fight for our freedom? Or will we find the remote, flip the channel and remind our children to go study their Quran. Perhaps we can last another ten years before we notice the CONTENTS of the Quran...and what the judges rule...how far the sun will set before we notice the last vestige of our freedom is gone.
Rev. Austin Miles is still standing, fighting alone. He has filed a petition to disbar Michael Newdow, the petitioner against the Pledge phrase, "under God." Miles submitted evidence that Newdow has filed frivolous and malicious lawsuits, violated the rules of professional conduct and lying to the courts under oath.
At age 70, Miles is recovering from double strokes. Miles alleges that because of the deliberate, malicious actions of Newdow, he has caused additional health problems, and liability is being established. Indeed Miles is concerned for his life, but the State Bar of California has simply closed the file, apparently closing the file on Miles' life as well.
Beloved Americans, protest. Protest now. Because if we don't vigilantly guard our freedom, if we don't stand together as one nation under God, we are set to become one world under Allah, instructed to kill all who disbelieve. Yes, there are peaceful Muslims, yes, we should love Muslims, but their holy book, the Quran, is the foundation of Taliban regimes. Look at every predominantly Islamic government.
And in that event, just show me the line of the martyrs. You can have that world. There is no room for me in Islamamerica. When Americans truly hate Christians and freedom so much they prefer Islamamerica, we will give it to you, but I pray America goes out with more than a whimper. Our forefathers fought for better than that, they paid with blood what we're giving away.

F riday, July 23, 2010 Gulen schools and their booming H1B visa applications (This entry has also been posted at Charter School Scandals.) Consider the following (based on the list Top 100 H1b Visa Sponsors In Secondary School Education Since 2008 appearing on 7/23/2010):
- The Gulen schools and their related organizations account for 31.5% of all H1B visa applications requested by the top 100 secondary school education H1B visa sponsors. (Table 1)
- Of the top 100 secondary school education H1B visa sponsors, 34 of the 100 sponsors were Gulen schools or their related organizations.
- A total of 4277 visas were requested by the top 100 sponsors.
- 1349 of the 4277 applications were submitted by Gulen schools or their related organizations.
- There were fewer than 100 U.S. schools in this subterranean network of schools operated by Gulen movement missionaries in this same year. Read about the characteristics of these schools here.
- The Cosmos Foundation, which operates approximately 27 Gulen schools in Texas, ranked #1 with 521 visa applications. These schools are heavily, but not exclusively, staffed with Turkish and Turkic teachers. The administrators and founders are nearly exclusively Turkish males.
- To contrast, Global Teachers Research Resources (a teacher headhunting organization) ranked #2 with 325 visa applications. GTRR’s newsletters reveal a wide range of teacher nationalities.
- Further investigation is likely to reveal that close to 100% of the visa applications of the Gulen schools and their related organizations will be for individuals from Turkey.
- Public school districts also applied for visas. In fact, seven of the top-20 largest school districts in the country were also top-100 sponsors for visa applications. These seven districts represent nearly 2,900,000 students attending approximately 3,831 schools. (Table 2)
- When averaged, seven of the top-20 largest school districts in the country submitted one H1B visa application for every 6.2 schools.
- The average number of visa applications for the Gulen schools was 13.5 H1B visa applications per school!