Without God In Our Lives, Restoring the
Republic Will Be Impossible!
It Would Be Refreshing to Americans If We have ONE Congressman Who Cares!
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Just the Facts, Ma'am
By Anna Von Reitz
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Clarification Regarding the Continental Marshals Service By Anna Von Reitz March 13, 2017
There are a bunch of people who are wildly off-track trying to call their state militias "continental marshals" because they thought it "sounded good".
And they haven't even bothered to correct their political status and re-flag their VESSELS in commerce to be recognized as Americans, so they are doing this as "United States Citizens"---- who aren't allowed to have militias much less continental marshals and have no guarantees under the actual constitution.
I have tried and tried to talk sense into these boneheads and show them what they need to do and how they need to organize to no avail, despite the Public Law and the known history in front of their faces.
Bruce Doucette and Michael R. Hamilton have been provided with all the information I have given everyone else--- about the need to expatriate, the need to re-flag, the need to establish jural assemblies, and so on.
They won't listen and they are misleading others, needlessly endangering innocent people.
As things now stand and until they wake up all the way, they are off in LaLa Land and trotting down the same path as all the other patriots now rotting in federal jails.
The only Continental Marshals who have taken the correct oaths and who are operating in the correct manner and in the right jurisdiction are those under the command of Chief Marshal Tresa Haywood, and they are all members of the Continental Marshals Service.
Any claims otherwise are incorrect and bound to fail.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
And they haven't even bothered to correct their political status and re-flag their VESSELS in commerce to be recognized as Americans, so they are doing this as "United States Citizens"---- who aren't allowed to have militias much less continental marshals and have no guarantees under the actual constitution.
I have tried and tried to talk sense into these boneheads and show them what they need to do and how they need to organize to no avail, despite the Public Law and the known history in front of their faces.
Bruce Doucette and Michael R. Hamilton have been provided with all the information I have given everyone else--- about the need to expatriate, the need to re-flag, the need to establish jural assemblies, and so on.
They won't listen and they are misleading others, needlessly endangering innocent people.
As things now stand and until they wake up all the way, they are off in LaLa Land and trotting down the same path as all the other patriots now rotting in federal jails.
The only Continental Marshals who have taken the correct oaths and who are operating in the correct manner and in the right jurisdiction are those under the command of Chief Marshal Tresa Haywood, and they are all members of the Continental Marshals Service.
Any claims otherwise are incorrect and bound to fail.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
Clarification of What Happened to Our Government
By Anna Von Reitz Saturday, October 29, 2016
No, neither the corporations running the District of Columbia nor those running the Washington, DC Municipal City State have any power to replace or mess with our government. They are both foreign governments under contract to our fifty state governments to provide certain stipulated and enumerated (19) services described as "powers" in the original Constitution. Nothing more or less.
The only way it is enabled to replace our government in any way is if we fail to operate our own government ourselves. That is to a large extent what has happened. We mistook their government for our government because the state and county organizations that were operating our government all decided to incorporate as franchises of the federal corporation in order to get kick-backs known as "Federal Block Grants".
When you incorporate anything you take it out of the jurisdiction of the land and place it in the international jurisdiction of the sea---- a foreign jurisdiction with respect to us.
As a result, what had been operating as our government was "vacated". One day they were functioning as our government on the land jurisdiction, doing their jobs according to the law of the land and occupying public offices. The next, they were operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea and occupying private corporate offices. The only indication of this fundamental change was in how the names of the various offices were presented and styled.
Jackson County became County of Jackson or JACKSON COUNTY, etc.,
It was never explained to the public and I am convinced, never explained to 95% of those who voted to incorporate the county and state governments, either. It was simply a matter of the federales playing upon their greed and ignorance and acting in Breach of Trust and under conditions of non-disclosure to in effect create a "coup d'état on paper".
However, since this was Breach of Trust and commercial contract and fraud and non-disclosure on their parts from the start, it cannot bear discovery. Now that we know what went on, we can bring them to justice and occupy the vacated public offices and run our own country again without interference from the hired help.
I hope that makes it clear to you now and that you will share this information.
By Anna Von Reitz Saturday, October 29, 2016
No, neither the corporations running the District of Columbia nor those running the Washington, DC Municipal City State have any power to replace or mess with our government. They are both foreign governments under contract to our fifty state governments to provide certain stipulated and enumerated (19) services described as "powers" in the original Constitution. Nothing more or less.
The only way it is enabled to replace our government in any way is if we fail to operate our own government ourselves. That is to a large extent what has happened. We mistook their government for our government because the state and county organizations that were operating our government all decided to incorporate as franchises of the federal corporation in order to get kick-backs known as "Federal Block Grants".
When you incorporate anything you take it out of the jurisdiction of the land and place it in the international jurisdiction of the sea---- a foreign jurisdiction with respect to us.
As a result, what had been operating as our government was "vacated". One day they were functioning as our government on the land jurisdiction, doing their jobs according to the law of the land and occupying public offices. The next, they were operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea and occupying private corporate offices. The only indication of this fundamental change was in how the names of the various offices were presented and styled.
Jackson County became County of Jackson or JACKSON COUNTY, etc.,
It was never explained to the public and I am convinced, never explained to 95% of those who voted to incorporate the county and state governments, either. It was simply a matter of the federales playing upon their greed and ignorance and acting in Breach of Trust and under conditions of non-disclosure to in effect create a "coup d'état on paper".
However, since this was Breach of Trust and commercial contract and fraud and non-disclosure on their parts from the start, it cannot bear discovery. Now that we know what went on, we can bring them to justice and occupy the vacated public offices and run our own country again without interference from the hired help.
I hope that makes it clear to you now and that you will share this information.
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Happy Independence Day 2015
Are you Happy and Independent?
Have you ever stopped to think about just what Benjamin Franklin meant when asked if we had a Republic or a Monarchy and he replied, “A Republic if you can keep it”?
Do you suppose he had some sort of insight into what the future would be like going forward over 200 years? I doubt it but in his final speech to the Constitutional Convention he stated, “... when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men, all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views."
Franklin thought it impossible to expect a "perfect production" from such a gathering, but he believed that the Constitution they had just drafted, "with all its faults," was better than any alternative that was likely to emerge.
Nearly all of the delegates harbored objections, but were persuaded by Franklin's logic and they put aside their misgivings and affixed their signatures to the Constitution. Their over-riding concern was the tendency in nearly all parts of the young country toward disorder. Americans had used the doctrine of popular sovereignty--"democracy"--as the rationale for their successful rebellion against English authority in 1776.
However, they had not yet worked out fully the question that has plagued all nations aspiring to democratic government ever since: how to implement principles of popular majority rule while at the same time preserving stable governments that protect the rights and liberties of all its citizens.
However, it didn’t take long in this young country for men’s egos to begin to show. Almost all of their arguing was over money and we were in a war so they borrowed money from France and the Netherlands. But you have to pay it back.
1781 brought us the Department of Finance commonly called the American Bank. 1782 Congress told the country how much debt we were in. 1783 the debt soared to $43M so Congress gave them the power to raise taxes to pay the debt.
1787 was the year things began to fall apart because Congress felt they didn’t have enough POWER so they added Article One, Section 8 followed by many deceitful actions which would lay out the pathway for continued deceit, and corruption by our elected officials. The original 13th Amendment “disappeared” to be replaced by a fraudulent piece of paper.
Hamilton was pushing for the passage of the “Bank” bill, better known as the Assumption Bill” allowing the Federal government to take over the individual state’s war debts. Wisely Attorney General Edmund Randolph from Virginia felt that the bill was unconstitutional and Jefferson agreed stating Hamilton’s proposal was against both the spirit and letter of the Constitution. Benjamin Franklin opposed the chartering of the First Bank until his death in 1790. President Washington was not sold on the idea either but Hamilton continued his push for a private bank and he managed to gain support and the bill was passed with the First Bank of the United States, being privately owned and not a government agency was put in place.
It was and is a business formed with the sole purpose of controlling the Nation’s currency.
Hence, the root of all evil had been put in place and the egos of men and corporations were to oversee it.
Sadly, hundreds of millions of people across this country have no idea about this piece of history or even what Independence Day means nor do they care. They have no idea that we are being governed by men and women who have no morals, values or principles especially when it relates to the people they are governing. To make it even worse, these same people are out to destroy the very way of life of anyone who lives in this country and disagrees with them.
History is being removed from our children’s education especially prior to 1865. I contend “they” don’t want our children to know this country’s history because a person cannot have an allegiance to something they know nothing about.
It matters not what name our politicians govern under – Republican or Democrat – the only difference between the two is the “R” and the “D”. Both parties are being led by selfish, incompetent evil individuals and the very, very sad fact is, if you bothered to do any research, it has been going on for almost the 200 + years.
The checks and balances used to come when the good guys still outnumbered the bad ones. Today this is not the case and unfortunately most of them are operating under a Marxist ideology dragging us into the path of a New World Order along with a Pope and other ministers who believe in a One World Religion.
We have in place elected officials working against everything the Constitution stands for and appointing individuals who are ruling (Supreme and District Courts) under made up interpretations and personal ideologies.
People all over America have been pushing for the individual states to pass a bill supporting for their citizens protection with the endorsement of the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the PEOPLE.
Why do you think this is? Why would our individual state legislators not want to have an individual state Amendment to support this? In most cases I would guess it is because the state legislators are just as evil and corrupt as those in D.C. Example: the Common Core State Standards and the refusal to listen to the citizens but rather the corporations.
The time has come for the people of America – the hard working people – to stand up and say “NO MORE”! The censorship of the Confederate Flag which is part of our history and represents FREEDOM for the states represents the deterioration of this country into something that is not familiar to any of us.
The censorship of the Confederate Flag is just another attempt by the “evil” ones to cause further divide by race and ethnicity. They have for years used the proverbial stick in the proverbial bucket of crap to keep things stirred up i.e., race. Now they are finding as many things as they can to cause divide in this country.
And at the same time many within 97% of the population are “going along with” the endorsement being pushed by the 3% to fly and honor a Rainbow flag. The Rainbow flag does not represent the majority of this country – it represents the bedroom actions of the 3%. Seeing it colors sprayed across OUR White House represents the divide. I see the White House is not washing with Red, White and Blue today.
As parents we have allowed our schools to begin indoctrinating our children into the gay lifestyle. Not for protection from bullying as being stated by the Federal government, but because it is part of the Agenda 21 United Nations actions to lower the population along with the endorsement of the Communist Manifesto Goals: 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, and healthy."
And to set the record straight, as far as I can tell, only 2 of the 45 Goals have not been completed.
Are you still allowing your politicians to fool and control you with their slippery tongues and false promises? We worked like dogs in 2010, 2012 and 2014 to bring back to America what we thought was going to be a Conservative Congress and what has it gotten us? ZERO! ZILCH! NADA!
Oops I take that back – it has gotten us further into the Communist Manifesto ruled by a pool of lying, cheating individuals who want nothing more than control of your wallet and your children indoctrinated into brainlessness to work in “their” fields.
Political Parties are NOT going to fix what is wrong with this country. This country is currently pretty much the way they want it. STOP trusting them and go back to putting your faith and trust in GOD!
This country is at war with Satan and the immoral agenda which has been driven by the evil followers of him whether they realize it or not. If they do not stand up against the evil, they are part of it. This is not a fight of one party against another – WAKE UP!
Take the collars of PARTY off from around your necks and breathe the freedom it will bring you. Your eyes and ears will open to truths unimaginable but true. This country was founded on Godly morals – not the supposed morals and values of a social justice minority.
And please, voting for the lessor of 2 evils is never the answer. Take on the responsibility of KNOWING what these candidates are about and I guarantee you all but one has dirt on their collar.
Trust in God – show him we are NOT Sodom and Gomorrah, but a country rich in tradition with people from all over the world who came to this country legally to form a better union.
We are Americans! We are the Soul of America!
Have you ever stopped to think about just what Benjamin Franklin meant when asked if we had a Republic or a Monarchy and he replied, “A Republic if you can keep it”?
Do you suppose he had some sort of insight into what the future would be like going forward over 200 years? I doubt it but in his final speech to the Constitutional Convention he stated, “... when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men, all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views."
Franklin thought it impossible to expect a "perfect production" from such a gathering, but he believed that the Constitution they had just drafted, "with all its faults," was better than any alternative that was likely to emerge.
Nearly all of the delegates harbored objections, but were persuaded by Franklin's logic and they put aside their misgivings and affixed their signatures to the Constitution. Their over-riding concern was the tendency in nearly all parts of the young country toward disorder. Americans had used the doctrine of popular sovereignty--"democracy"--as the rationale for their successful rebellion against English authority in 1776.
However, they had not yet worked out fully the question that has plagued all nations aspiring to democratic government ever since: how to implement principles of popular majority rule while at the same time preserving stable governments that protect the rights and liberties of all its citizens.
However, it didn’t take long in this young country for men’s egos to begin to show. Almost all of their arguing was over money and we were in a war so they borrowed money from France and the Netherlands. But you have to pay it back.
1781 brought us the Department of Finance commonly called the American Bank. 1782 Congress told the country how much debt we were in. 1783 the debt soared to $43M so Congress gave them the power to raise taxes to pay the debt.
1787 was the year things began to fall apart because Congress felt they didn’t have enough POWER so they added Article One, Section 8 followed by many deceitful actions which would lay out the pathway for continued deceit, and corruption by our elected officials. The original 13th Amendment “disappeared” to be replaced by a fraudulent piece of paper.
Hamilton was pushing for the passage of the “Bank” bill, better known as the Assumption Bill” allowing the Federal government to take over the individual state’s war debts. Wisely Attorney General Edmund Randolph from Virginia felt that the bill was unconstitutional and Jefferson agreed stating Hamilton’s proposal was against both the spirit and letter of the Constitution. Benjamin Franklin opposed the chartering of the First Bank until his death in 1790. President Washington was not sold on the idea either but Hamilton continued his push for a private bank and he managed to gain support and the bill was passed with the First Bank of the United States, being privately owned and not a government agency was put in place.
It was and is a business formed with the sole purpose of controlling the Nation’s currency.
Hence, the root of all evil had been put in place and the egos of men and corporations were to oversee it.
Sadly, hundreds of millions of people across this country have no idea about this piece of history or even what Independence Day means nor do they care. They have no idea that we are being governed by men and women who have no morals, values or principles especially when it relates to the people they are governing. To make it even worse, these same people are out to destroy the very way of life of anyone who lives in this country and disagrees with them.
History is being removed from our children’s education especially prior to 1865. I contend “they” don’t want our children to know this country’s history because a person cannot have an allegiance to something they know nothing about.
It matters not what name our politicians govern under – Republican or Democrat – the only difference between the two is the “R” and the “D”. Both parties are being led by selfish, incompetent evil individuals and the very, very sad fact is, if you bothered to do any research, it has been going on for almost the 200 + years.
The checks and balances used to come when the good guys still outnumbered the bad ones. Today this is not the case and unfortunately most of them are operating under a Marxist ideology dragging us into the path of a New World Order along with a Pope and other ministers who believe in a One World Religion.
We have in place elected officials working against everything the Constitution stands for and appointing individuals who are ruling (Supreme and District Courts) under made up interpretations and personal ideologies.
People all over America have been pushing for the individual states to pass a bill supporting for their citizens protection with the endorsement of the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the PEOPLE.
Why do you think this is? Why would our individual state legislators not want to have an individual state Amendment to support this? In most cases I would guess it is because the state legislators are just as evil and corrupt as those in D.C. Example: the Common Core State Standards and the refusal to listen to the citizens but rather the corporations.
The time has come for the people of America – the hard working people – to stand up and say “NO MORE”! The censorship of the Confederate Flag which is part of our history and represents FREEDOM for the states represents the deterioration of this country into something that is not familiar to any of us.
The censorship of the Confederate Flag is just another attempt by the “evil” ones to cause further divide by race and ethnicity. They have for years used the proverbial stick in the proverbial bucket of crap to keep things stirred up i.e., race. Now they are finding as many things as they can to cause divide in this country.
And at the same time many within 97% of the population are “going along with” the endorsement being pushed by the 3% to fly and honor a Rainbow flag. The Rainbow flag does not represent the majority of this country – it represents the bedroom actions of the 3%. Seeing it colors sprayed across OUR White House represents the divide. I see the White House is not washing with Red, White and Blue today.
As parents we have allowed our schools to begin indoctrinating our children into the gay lifestyle. Not for protection from bullying as being stated by the Federal government, but because it is part of the Agenda 21 United Nations actions to lower the population along with the endorsement of the Communist Manifesto Goals: 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, and healthy."
And to set the record straight, as far as I can tell, only 2 of the 45 Goals have not been completed.
Are you still allowing your politicians to fool and control you with their slippery tongues and false promises? We worked like dogs in 2010, 2012 and 2014 to bring back to America what we thought was going to be a Conservative Congress and what has it gotten us? ZERO! ZILCH! NADA!
Oops I take that back – it has gotten us further into the Communist Manifesto ruled by a pool of lying, cheating individuals who want nothing more than control of your wallet and your children indoctrinated into brainlessness to work in “their” fields.
Political Parties are NOT going to fix what is wrong with this country. This country is currently pretty much the way they want it. STOP trusting them and go back to putting your faith and trust in GOD!
This country is at war with Satan and the immoral agenda which has been driven by the evil followers of him whether they realize it or not. If they do not stand up against the evil, they are part of it. This is not a fight of one party against another – WAKE UP!
Take the collars of PARTY off from around your necks and breathe the freedom it will bring you. Your eyes and ears will open to truths unimaginable but true. This country was founded on Godly morals – not the supposed morals and values of a social justice minority.
And please, voting for the lessor of 2 evils is never the answer. Take on the responsibility of KNOWING what these candidates are about and I guarantee you all but one has dirt on their collar.
Trust in God – show him we are NOT Sodom and Gomorrah, but a country rich in tradition with people from all over the world who came to this country legally to form a better union.
We are Americans! We are the Soul of America!
Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall began her career in
1956 as a journalist with the Wyoming Eagle in Cheyenne. During her 20 years
(plus) as a banker and bank consultant, she wrote extensively for The American
Banker, Bank Marketing Magazine, Trust Marketing Magazine, was U.S. Consulting
Editor for Private Banker International (London/Dublin), and other major
banking industry publications. She has written seven non-fiction books about
banking and taught private banking at Colorado University for the American
Bankers Association. She has authored seven banking books, one dog book, and
two works of fiction (about banking, of course). She has served on numerous
Boards in her community.
Barnewall is the former editor of The National
Peace Officer Magazine and as a journalist has written guest editorials for the
Denver Post, Rocky Mountain News and Newsweek, among others. On the Internet,
she has written for News With Views, World Net Daily, Canada Free Press,
Christian Business Daily, Business Reform, and others. She has been quoted in
Time, Forbes, Wall Street Journal and other national and international
publications. She can be found in Who's Who in America, Who's Who of American Women,
Who's Who in Finance and Business, and Who's Who in the World. Web site: http://marilynwrites.blogspot.com
American Matrix: How We Lost Our Constitution Part 1
by Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall NewsWithViews.com
Do you want your Constitutional Republic back? If so, this article provides you with information that will help you achieve that objective. It won't come through Constitutional Conventions, Conventions of the States, or memorizing the Constitution and going to court with constitutional arguments in a court system the jurisdiction for which functions under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and Maritime Law.
Your Constitutions (national and state) have been put in hibernation and are brought out like the good silver... only when needed to make an impression or to be used in self defense for crimes committed against the people by those in government who are supposed to serve us.
Some questions for you:
Do you want your Constitutional Republic back? If so, this article provides you with information that will help you achieve that objective. It won't come through Constitutional Conventions, Conventions of the States, or memorizing the Constitution and going to court with constitutional arguments in a court system the jurisdiction for which functions under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and Maritime Law.
Your Constitutions (national and state) have been put in hibernation and are brought out like the good silver... only when needed to make an impression or to be used in self defense for crimes committed against the people by those in government who are supposed to serve us.
Some questions for you:
- 1. Are you aware that the United States is incorporated? No, this article isn’t about Strawmen or your name being in CAPITAL letters on all legal documents like your birth certificate, driver’s license, Social Security Card, Passport, etc. There is the United States of America and there is the United States of America, Inc. There is a good reason for what happened and it does not involve the bankruptcy of this nation.
- 2. Are you aware that the state in which you live is incorporated? All 50 states are incorporated. Read on and I’ll provide you with absolute evidence… not opinion, but evidence.
- 3. Are you aware that your county is incorporated?
- 4. Are you aware that your city (or township) is incorporated? (Most of us are aware of city incorporations.)
- 5. Are you aware that most departments within your city and county are incorporated? Yes, I mean the Sheriff’s Department, the Police Department, the City and County and State Courts (even your State Supreme Court), the Public Library, the Public Works Department, the Department of Education and the County Clerk? Almost every department in your city and county is incorporated. I must admit, this disclosure surprised me more than the others. Even more interesting, most people who staff these departments – including county commissioners, sheriffs, librarians, police chiefs, and other department heads – appear, as I was, unaware of the corporate status of their “departments.” READ MORE
American Matrix: How We Lost Our Constitution Part 2
Before providing you with the following information, I must state that I am not an attorney and have not studied the law. I’m a retired banker who has done a lot of research on this subject.
What we learned in Part I is that federal, state, county and city governments and most of the departments and divisions that are part of them are incorporated. We learned that corporations function under Articles of Incorporation, not a Constitution and that’s how we lost our constitutional rights and courts that support them.
We learned that corporations are governed by business laws having to do with Maritime Law (also called Law of the Seas or Admiralty Law both of which are historically very old) and the Uniform Commercial Code. We learned that Constitutional Law is based on Common Law (which is based on substance and the will of the people -- the Will of God, too, many people say). For example, under Common Law we are provided the alternative of not testifying against ourselves; that is not part of Maritime Law.
To understand the damage that has been done to our nation, we need to define the word “colorable” – its meaning, its impact on our currency, our courts, and our constitutional liberties and the limits the Constitution places on government. It is from the meaning of the word “colorable” that the virus of death infecting our nation breeds and keeps breeding… like Ebola, it dissolves every major life-giving organ in its path until death ensues. READ MORE
Before providing you with the following information, I must state that I am not an attorney and have not studied the law. I’m a retired banker who has done a lot of research on this subject.
What we learned in Part I is that federal, state, county and city governments and most of the departments and divisions that are part of them are incorporated. We learned that corporations function under Articles of Incorporation, not a Constitution and that’s how we lost our constitutional rights and courts that support them.
We learned that corporations are governed by business laws having to do with Maritime Law (also called Law of the Seas or Admiralty Law both of which are historically very old) and the Uniform Commercial Code. We learned that Constitutional Law is based on Common Law (which is based on substance and the will of the people -- the Will of God, too, many people say). For example, under Common Law we are provided the alternative of not testifying against ourselves; that is not part of Maritime Law.
To understand the damage that has been done to our nation, we need to define the word “colorable” – its meaning, its impact on our currency, our courts, and our constitutional liberties and the limits the Constitution places on government. It is from the meaning of the word “colorable” that the virus of death infecting our nation breeds and keeps breeding… like Ebola, it dissolves every major life-giving organ in its path until death ensues. READ MORE
“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” - John Adams
“Can the liberties of a nation be sure when we remove their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people, that these liberties are a gift from God? Thomas Jefferson
“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.” – Patrick Henry
“Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure (and) which insures to the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments.” – Charles Carroll, signer of the Declaration of Independence
“Can the liberties of a nation be sure when we remove their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people, that these liberties are a gift from God? Thomas Jefferson
“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.” – Patrick Henry
“Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure (and) which insures to the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments.” – Charles Carroll, signer of the Declaration of Independence
FROM SHERIFF MACK - In 1913 our Constitutional Republic became a Democracy thanks to the passage of the 17th Amendment. Instead of protecting our rights and the government began usurp the power that had been Constitutionally guaranteed to the states and to the people. The Land of Liberty was being gradually converted into the Land of Tyranny. Click on the following link to learn why it is vitally important that we Repeal the 17th Amendment.
The 5 Point Plan to Take Our Country Back
by Kirk MacKenzie
Founder - "Defend Rural America"
1. Learn about the Assault on Rural America!
2. Discover who is behind the Assault and the Bankers Empowering them with our Money!
4. The Game Plan!
Create Constitutional Counties & States! Challenge Jurisdiction - PUBLIC LANDS are not Federal Lands! Understand the Federal Decision Making Process! Support the Constitution, Sheriff Mack, Constitutional Sheriff's and the Peace Officers Association (POA) 5. Study & INFORM everyone you know about the information you have learned - family, friends, neighbors!
Various members of the “scientific” community have been providing environmental justifications for numerous federal and global projects. But are they providing honest science, or quackery to justify pre-determined political outcomes? More and more, it appears the latter is true. Global warming has been completely debunked. The judge overhearing recent arguments justifying the destruction of agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley based on the Delta Smelt essentially called government’s witness a liar. Two environmentalists were arrested for false science within the past week.