Does it surprise anyone that it is the college kids through the age of 30 are the ones mostly supporting Sanders? Due to indoctrination of the "social justice" ways in our schools, we have lost almost a whole generation and they are buying into this. You were warned!
https://romanticpoet.wordpress.com/tag/bernie-sanders-mike-bayer-communist-party/MIKE BAYER COMMUNIST AGENT IN BERNIE SANDERS CAMP! LINK
February 05, 2016 by Dr. Robert OwensThis may be an election that could seal the deal for the Progressive fundamental transformation of America, as 2016 is shaping up to be a watershed election.
Socialists and Communists have run for the presidency many times in America. Between 1900 and 1920, Eugene V. Debs was the Socialist Party's nominee in five presidential elections. The Communist Party USA has not disappeared. For many years, it has instead endorsed the Democrat candidates for president, which is understandable, looking at their party platforms and the solid work the Democrats continue to do for their cause when in office.
However, this year, it is different. Instead of the usual procedure of the Democrat contenders masking their true agenda under the cloak of Progressivism, we have a major player who has proudly called himself a Socialist for decades, though for this national bid, he is trying to soften it by calling himself a Social Democrat.
This is enough to bewilder the low information voters who make up the bulk of Democrat supporters and their rank and file foot soldiers. They will argue for hours that their guy isn't a Socialist. No, he's a Social Democrat, and though they can't tell you what the difference is, they want you to know it makes a big difference. All this despite the fact that one click of the mouse reveals
And among the diehard apparatchiks and ideologues who make up the Democrat core when looking at the current field of Republican contenders, they may well be saying, "Better red than Ted."
This presidential contender is Bernie Sanders. As stated above, he now calls himself a "Democratic Socialist." It's a label he's been asked to justify many times. When asked to describe what he means by this, he points to the progressive values of nations like Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. He shifts the target and describes his politics as a fight against the injustice that he says is inherent in American political and economic tradition.
Sanders praises Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. He cites them for using the power of the government to create jobs and lift Americans out of poverty. He also says their actions to create and strengthen the social safety net (which some today see as a hammock) were denounced by conservatives at the time and since as socialism. In this, he is right. They did and we do.
Sanders says these programs make up "the fabric of our nation and the foundation of the middle class." He goes on to say what many have known about FDR's programs since the 1930s and Democrats have denied since, "By the way, almost everything he proposed was called 'socialist.'"
As pointed out above, though many of his supporters are quick to say he is no socialist and anyone who says otherwise is part of the mythical rightwing conspiracy, Bernie isn't shy about who he is and what he stands for. He says without apology, "Let me define for you, simply and straightforwardly, what Democratic Socialism means to me. It builds on what Franklin Delano Roosevelt said when he fought for guaranteed economic rights for all Americans," obviously referring to FDR's Second Bill of Rights, which he proposed in his State of the Union speech in 1944 and which was quickly buried even by a Democrat Congress. These give away guarantees included:
Neither the chairwoman of the Democrat Party, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, nor the leading candidate for their nomination, Hillary Clinton, can explain the difference between a Progressive and a Socialist. However, when trying to get the votes of Americans, Hillary, who has called for curbs on "the excesses of capitalism," said, during the first Democratic presidential debate, after hearing Sanders refer to the Europeans who have built their systems on the fact that America defends and supports them, "I love Denmark. But we are not Denmark … We are the United States of America."
Hillary continues to wear the Progressive cloak to disguise her Socialism. At least Bernie is honest enough to admit what he is, even if his supporters continue to deny it to others and maybe even to themselves.
However, perhaps Bernie is using the cloak of Socialism to cover something even more foreign to America? Some say that if Sanders were vying for a Cabinet post, he'd never pass an FBI background check.
Is there any evidence to back this up?
While attending the University of Chicago, Sanders joined the Young People's Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. What was the mission of the Young People's Socialist League?
It was spelled out in the preamble to its constitution: "The Young People's Socialist League of America calls upon all young people who are interested in the emancipation of the working class from the chains of wage slavery to join its rank and through it and its associated organizations of the International Socialist Movement, to work for the overthrow of the present capitalist system in all its social and economic ramifications, and for the establishment in its stead of a worldwide socialistic cooperative commonwealth." LINK
Socialists and Communists have run for the presidency many times in America. Between 1900 and 1920, Eugene V. Debs was the Socialist Party's nominee in five presidential elections. The Communist Party USA has not disappeared. For many years, it has instead endorsed the Democrat candidates for president, which is understandable, looking at their party platforms and the solid work the Democrats continue to do for their cause when in office.
However, this year, it is different. Instead of the usual procedure of the Democrat contenders masking their true agenda under the cloak of Progressivism, we have a major player who has proudly called himself a Socialist for decades, though for this national bid, he is trying to soften it by calling himself a Social Democrat.
This is enough to bewilder the low information voters who make up the bulk of Democrat supporters and their rank and file foot soldiers. They will argue for hours that their guy isn't a Socialist. No, he's a Social Democrat, and though they can't tell you what the difference is, they want you to know it makes a big difference. All this despite the fact that one click of the mouse reveals
And among the diehard apparatchiks and ideologues who make up the Democrat core when looking at the current field of Republican contenders, they may well be saying, "Better red than Ted."
This presidential contender is Bernie Sanders. As stated above, he now calls himself a "Democratic Socialist." It's a label he's been asked to justify many times. When asked to describe what he means by this, he points to the progressive values of nations like Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. He shifts the target and describes his politics as a fight against the injustice that he says is inherent in American political and economic tradition.
Sanders praises Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. He cites them for using the power of the government to create jobs and lift Americans out of poverty. He also says their actions to create and strengthen the social safety net (which some today see as a hammock) were denounced by conservatives at the time and since as socialism. In this, he is right. They did and we do.
Sanders says these programs make up "the fabric of our nation and the foundation of the middle class." He goes on to say what many have known about FDR's programs since the 1930s and Democrats have denied since, "By the way, almost everything he proposed was called 'socialist.'"
As pointed out above, though many of his supporters are quick to say he is no socialist and anyone who says otherwise is part of the mythical rightwing conspiracy, Bernie isn't shy about who he is and what he stands for. He says without apology, "Let me define for you, simply and straightforwardly, what Democratic Socialism means to me. It builds on what Franklin Delano Roosevelt said when he fought for guaranteed economic rights for all Americans," obviously referring to FDR's Second Bill of Rights, which he proposed in his State of the Union speech in 1944 and which was quickly buried even by a Democrat Congress. These give away guarantees included:
- The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation
- The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation
- The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living
- The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad
- The right of every family to a decent home
- The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health
- The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment
- The right to a good education
Neither the chairwoman of the Democrat Party, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, nor the leading candidate for their nomination, Hillary Clinton, can explain the difference between a Progressive and a Socialist. However, when trying to get the votes of Americans, Hillary, who has called for curbs on "the excesses of capitalism," said, during the first Democratic presidential debate, after hearing Sanders refer to the Europeans who have built their systems on the fact that America defends and supports them, "I love Denmark. But we are not Denmark … We are the United States of America."
Hillary continues to wear the Progressive cloak to disguise her Socialism. At least Bernie is honest enough to admit what he is, even if his supporters continue to deny it to others and maybe even to themselves.
However, perhaps Bernie is using the cloak of Socialism to cover something even more foreign to America? Some say that if Sanders were vying for a Cabinet post, he'd never pass an FBI background check.
Is there any evidence to back this up?
While attending the University of Chicago, Sanders joined the Young People's Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. What was the mission of the Young People's Socialist League?
It was spelled out in the preamble to its constitution: "The Young People's Socialist League of America calls upon all young people who are interested in the emancipation of the working class from the chains of wage slavery to join its rank and through it and its associated organizations of the International Socialist Movement, to work for the overthrow of the present capitalist system in all its social and economic ramifications, and for the establishment in its stead of a worldwide socialistic cooperative commonwealth." LINK