"I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves men will arise speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them. [Acts 20:29-30]. False apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ [2 Corinthians 11:13
ROMANS 13 - Many Christian evangelists and leaders today are erroneously reviving the divine-right-of-kings argument used in the Dark Ages, which created some of the most horrific human affairs in history. They, like the grandfather of Communism, Georg Hegel, argue that government is divinely sanctioned to do anything it pleases and that God requires people to submit regardless of natural standards of justice. This argument has been used by virtually every tyrant since Jesus’ life, including Adolf Hitler, and it is fallaciously being used by Christians. This false premise is doing more to bring America and the rest of the world into oppression and slavery than perhaps any other doctrine. Holders of this doctrine are creating self-fulfilling prophecies of America’s ruin–all in the name of a shallow reading and misconstruction of Romans chapter 13. Chuck Baldwin
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Bonhoeffer
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Bonhoeffer
This page is presented to show the growing Evangelical movement in ministries which are filled with misquotes, biblical self serving interpretations, prosperity false gospel and leaders who believe they are self appointed apostles - only God appoints apostles.
"Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or compliment to please an individual - or at least he ought not so to do;but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country."
Samuel Adams, Boston Gazette. April 16, 1781
Samuel Adams, Boston Gazette. April 16, 1781
Remembering the brave exploits of the passengers on board the Mayflower, they were people who were mostly of a single church congregation. And don’t forget that it was Pastor Jonas Clark’s male congregants who withstood British troops at Lexington and fired the very first of the shots heard ’round the world. The famous French historian, Alexis De Tocqueville, credited the pulpits and churches of Colonial America with inspiring America’s successful War for Independence and subsequent prosperity much more than its institutions of learning, halls of Congress, or industries of invention. From the very beginning, America’s Christians and pastors were intricately involved in the establishment and building of this republic.
JOEL OSTEEN, a non-ordained minister, in his short career has found the time to write 17 books addressing his idea of religion priced from $8.99 to $59.99. Osteen claims to not take a salary from the over $43M in yearly donations and states they live off of the over $13M yearly in book sales!
Explaining False Prophets! |
Wayne and Jan didn't want to leave First Baptist Church. They loved their friends, the music, the youth program and their pastor -- a wonderful Bible teacher. But the Board of Elders hired a Church Growth consultant who surveyed the congregation and led their "discovery of God's vision for them." Soon the old pastor was asked to leave and a new pastor filled the pulpit. A series of changes followed. The beloved music director, whose Christmas and Easter concerts had drawn overflow crowds night after night, had to go. So did organ music. Other staff members disappeared and a new team moved into the offices.
The members who stayed were encouraged to participate in small groups, speak positively, please the community and become a healthy church. The new guidelines included a ban on controversial social issues. Well aware of the anti-Christian curriculum content in their local schools, Wayne and Jan were saddened by the congregation's growing aversion to any helpful information they might share on this topic. Apparently, their "negative" insights clashed with the church's new vision. But when Jan asked what the new pastor meant by a "healthy church," no one would explain. "What's going on," she wondered. The answer to her question is so revolutionary -- so foreign to our understanding of America -- that it is hard to believe. A paradigm shift -- a total transformation in the way we think and understand reality -- is changing God's churches as well as our culture. This revolution has been slow in action, suttle in method yet it is worldwide. To better explain: Christanity: Absolute Values God Loves us; trust God; we have individual worth; we do not sin but forgive sinners; taken personal responsibility Humanisn: (Transition Period) Relative Values God is a crutch; stress human evolution; teach human rights; tolerate all lifestyles; trust human reason Globalism: Global Values: Impersonal universal God; one world order religion; new unifying global spirituality; collective - individuals only have value in the "global whole"; teach collective duties & responsibilities; zero tolerance for dissenters; trust only the state. Why I Called Out Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer By Rick HendersonI have been preaching for 20 years. Yesterday I did something that I
have never done before in a sermon. I publicly called out false
teachers and named them by name. I said,
If you listen to Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer, if you
take what they teach seriously, it will not be good for you. It will be
detrimental to your long-term growth as a follower of Jesus.
I used to think that their error was so blatantly obvious that they could just be ignored. I was wrong. They are massively growing in popularity in the evangelical world and are seen as credible and helpful. Before I’m inundated with questioning emails I want to share why I distrust these two and think you should as well. So, don’t shoot met–at least not yet. This post will be long, very long. And it will link to source material. There is likely more here than you care to ingest in one sitting. Take your time. Work through it carefully. I think you owe it to yourself and as you will see in this blog, we owe it to less fortunate Christians around the world. June 2014 - Mark Driscoll is a founding pastor of Seattle-based Mars Hill Church, which claims 14,000 members attend its services at 15 churches in five states.He is also the founder of Resurgence, a ministry that offers resources for Christian leaders, including books, events, classes, multimedia, and a blog
But the fast-rising Mars Hill pastor has lately been brought to earth, not by accusations of homophobia and male chauvinism, but by charges of self-promotion, plagiarism and hubris. Driscoll has promoted himself as a “New York Times bestselling author.” The claim was based on a 2012 list in which his book “Real Marriage,” coauthored with his wife, went to the top of the NYT Advice bestseller list. In order to get it there, however, Mars Hill hired an outfit called ResultsSource, Inc., to create the illusion of sales. The church was asked to place 6,000 individual orders for the book, and to buy 5,000 bulk copies with the purchases being disguised by a multiplicity of different payments and split up into multiple different orders. “I am sorry I used this strategy and will never use it again: I have also asked my publisher not to use the ‘New York Times bestseller’ status in future publications and I am working to remove this from past publications as well,” Driscoll wrote in a mea culpa letter to church members in March. In November 2013, Janet Mefferd, host of the syndicated radio show, The Janet Mefferd Show, expressed deep concern that parts of Driscoll’s new book, A Call to Resurgence (14 pages to be exact), were lifted from a book written by Dr. Peter Jones, author and professor at Westminster Seminary California. The problem? They weren’t cited. That makes it plagiarism. Shortly afterwards, due to her fantastic research skills, Mefferd found three other books written by Driscoll where material was plagiarized from other author’s works. That’s four, if you’re keeping count. Janet Mefferd's proof: Driscoll Plagiarism Proof 1 Driscoll Plagiarism Proof 2 |
One World Religion - Coming or Here?
February 2011 at the Global Peace Forum at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, which featured Rick Warren and special guest, former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, Rick Warren spoke about his global P.E.A.C.E. Plan and Tony Blair spoke about the inter-faith Tony Blair Foundation. Tony Blair is preparing to launch a “faith offensive” across the United States over the next year, after building up relationships with a network of influential religious leaders and faith organizations. Rick Warren joined the advisory board of Blair’s foundation. The important question to you is: Will your church, pastor and denomination join that effort? If they do I want to clearly explain the serious Biblical implications of such an alliance. READ MORE: PART 2
Like the German church in pre-Nazi Germany, much of the Evangelical churches in Europe and around the world have rejected Biblical truth for humanistic psychology and New Age mysticism. This has caused the church to be unaware of the intensity of the spiritual attack it has been under, especially in the last one hundred years as the fulfillment of Bible prophecy has accelerated. God warns us to be sober, but we have been drunk on the spiritual battlefield. In making an accurate analysis of the Evangelical church and its infiltration by the coming one world religion, it would be a mistake to exclusively focus on a select number of leaders. What is important is what powers, both earthly and spiritual, are the driving force for a global government and a world currency. Although there is a growing Remnant of spiritually alive in churches, the average American, European and Australian church has no comprehension that their churches, nations, world and culture have been planned for complete destruction in order that the anti-Christian new world order that Daniel described as the Fourth Beast or the Revived Roman Empire can replace it. READ MORE: PART 3
George Soros: Global Economic System in High Speed! While the American Corporate-controlled media hides the biggest financial take-over of the global economic system since the tower of Babel, Billionaire George Soros, who boasted he wanted to reorganize the entire global economic system, is doing just that. Two years ago, George Soros said he wanted to reorganize the entire global economic system. In April 2011, he is going to start – and no one seems to have noticed. The New Bretton Woods event is bringing together “more than 200 leftist academic, business and government policy thought leaders” to repeat the famed 1944 Bretton Woods gathering that helped create the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Soros wants a new “multilateral system,” or an economic system where America is brought down and China is raised up. READ MORE: Join Paul McGuire as he communicates the Truth and spreads the Light to the World! For You Mom & Dad & Your Children 1. Wear God's armor - Ephesians 6:10-18 2. Know & memorize God's word - Romans 12:2 (memorizing the truth & facts) 3. Count the cost - John 15:19-21 4. Recognize the nature of the spiritual battle - 1John 5:19 (Satan changes his strategy to suit the times) 5. Make a commitment to follow the Shepherd - Philippians 3:7-9 The AALC Passes Resolution Urging The ELCA To Repent! JUNE 28, 2014
This past week I traveled to St. Paul for the biannual convention of The American Association of Lutheran Churches (AALC) and two very important things happened at that convention. The first is that The AALC elected Dr. Curtis Leins to be their Presiding Pastor. (Dr. Leins is a solid Confessional Lutheran). The second is that the AALC passed a resolution urging the ELCA to repent and seek forgiveness for their heresies. The text of the resolution that The AALC passed yesterday morning is reprinted below: Whereas, the foundation of Lutheran doctrine has always been "Scripture Alone;" and Whereas, the ELCA has consciously departed from the clear teaching of God's Holy Word and denied "Scripture Alone" by chasing after the false spirit of the age, such as blasphemously affirming homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle and pronouncing God's blessing on same sex marriages and; Whereas, no church body claiming Christ Jesus as King of Kings and Lord of Lords has the authority to deny or alter God's Word or modify God's expressed definition of marriage as being the union of one man and one woman; and Whereas, silence as a church body can be misconstrued as a tacit approval of the ELCA's rebellion against the authority of God's Word; Be it resolved, that for the sake of the truth of the gospel and the salvation of souls, The AALC urges the ELCA, on the basis of scripture to repent of their false doctrine, renounce the spirit of the age, and seek forgiveness for their blasphemies through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, The AALC urges the ELCA to bear fruit in keeping with repentance by submitting to the highest authority in doctrine and life, namely the Holy Scriptures. We further direct the Presiding Pastor of The AALC to personally communicate this position to the Presiding Bishop of the ELCA and make public, via the media, The AALC's urging of the ELCA to repent and seek forgiveness. - See more at: http://www.fightingforthefaith.com/#sthash.JKI9ZLhw.dpuf |