All of us at some time or other have been exposed to radiation even if it was just with x-rays! More and more information is coming out about the amount of radiation having been released in Japan and the winds are carrying that to our shores.
Exposure to radiation causes a cascade of free radicals that wreak havoc on the body. Free radicals damages DNA, protein, and fats. Free radical damage has been clinically proven to be a major contributor to cancer.
Here are a number of tips and suggested remedies how to naturally help your body excrete damaging radioactive elements (e.g. strontium and radioactive iodine) or detoxify their noxious byproducts such as free radicals.
1) Cancer doesn’t cause hair loss for cancer patients, the radiation treatment is solely responsible for that. Cancer doesn’t cause weight loss, the radiation treatment causes that because it suppresses your appetite. Cancer doesn’t cause a cancer patient to become very weak and sick, the radiation treatment poisons the body and makes them very weak and sick.
2) If you are concerned about the radiation fallout from the Japan nuclear plants disaster or if you had an X-ray (from hospitals and airport screening) or radiation treatments for cancer, soak your body in sea salt (not iodized table salt) baths to help pull out the radiation from your body. -
3) If you were diagnosed with mouth or throat cancer and you were subjected to deadly radiation treatments gargling with baking soda mixed in water will help neutralize the radiation.
All of us at some time or other have been exposed to radiation even if it was just with x-rays! More and more information is coming out about the amount of radiation having been released in Japan and the winds are carrying that to our shores.
Exposure to radiation causes a cascade of free radicals that wreak havoc on the body. Free radicals damages DNA, protein, and fats. Free radical damage has been clinically proven to be a major contributor to cancer.
Here are a number of tips and suggested remedies how to naturally help your body excrete damaging radioactive elements (e.g. strontium and radioactive iodine) or detoxify their noxious byproducts such as free radicals.
1) Cancer doesn’t cause hair loss for cancer patients, the radiation treatment is solely responsible for that. Cancer doesn’t cause weight loss, the radiation treatment causes that because it suppresses your appetite. Cancer doesn’t cause a cancer patient to become very weak and sick, the radiation treatment poisons the body and makes them very weak and sick.
2) If you are concerned about the radiation fallout from the Japan nuclear plants disaster or if you had an X-ray (from hospitals and airport screening) or radiation treatments for cancer, soak your body in sea salt (not iodized table salt) baths to help pull out the radiation from your body. -
3) If you were diagnosed with mouth or throat cancer and you were subjected to deadly radiation treatments gargling with baking soda mixed in water will help neutralize the radiation.
This recipe will do a full 128 loads of laundry!! ~ 1 bar Fels Naptha (Yes, the ENTIRE Bar!) 1 cup 20 Mule Team Borax 1 cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (NOT BAKING SODA!!) 4 cups of hot water - mix together and store!
This recipe will do a full 128 loads of laundry!! ~ 1 bar Fels Naptha (Yes, the ENTIRE Bar!) 1 cup 20 Mule Team Borax 1 cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (NOT BAKING SODA!!) 4 cups of hot water - mix together and store!
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