2014 Florida Amendment Voter Guide by KrisAnne Hall
Introduction: This guide is designed to inform the voter on certain aspects that I do not see being presented in other voter guides. The voter is always ultimately responsible for their vote. I do not take responsibility for anyone’s vote; we will all answer individually one day for our choices. With that in mind, be sure that you VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE!
As a general rule I am opposed to Constitutional Amendments, unless it is a truly Constitutional issue. Our Constitution is supposed to be the Supreme Law of the State, establishing guidelines for government, fundamental rights belonging to Floridians, and principles by which we are to govern. Statutes, on the other hand, are supposed to be the instrument we use to enact laws through legislation in our Republican form of government. Florida has gotten very lazy about these distinctions.
I had hoped we had learned about cluttering up our Constitution when we passed the “pregnant pig” and the “super train” amendments. With those two examples in mind, I would like those who view this guide to keep in mind a few things:
When you vote YES and pass a Constitutional Amendment you are creating a constitutionally protected RIGHT to something which includes the appropriate protections and assignments.
Constitutionally protected rights must be provided under equal access of the law to all citizens of the state, without discrimination.
If you vote YES, the only way to fix that amendment is through another Constitutional Amendment.
Amendment 1 Florida Water and Land Conservation Initiative: (This amendment will add another section to the Constitution)
Amendment 1 is a very dangerous thing. First and foremost this type of "legislation" should NEVER become a Constitutional Amendment. We have done a great disservice to our Constitution in Florida by allowing legislative issues to pollute our Constitution. This amendment would establish a Constitutional Right for government to expand government control over private land and increase the control of the United Nations over Florida Land.
It will remove private property rights from our land owners and transfer them to the discretion and control of environmental lobbyists. Additionally because of the World Heritage Treaty this legislation will transfer the maintenance and control of more Florida land to the United Nations. Very few people in Florida know that the Everglades are classified as a "World Heritage Site" placing maintenance and control of these lands in the hands of UNESCO through the World Heritage Treaty.
A World Heritage site is a geographical area that is of global environmental or cultural significance. Declaring an area a World Heritage site establishes that governments must submit to the monitoring of these sites by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). UNESCO then has the power and authority to seize control these sites if the World Heritage Committee determines intervention is necessary to properly maintain the sites or some “crisis” has occurred that requires intervention. Apparently, Florida’s everglades are listed as a World Heritage site. The Everglades are number 76 on a list of sites worldwide. The Everglades are already classified as being in a state of crisis. This means that UNESCO can move in at any time and force Floridians to maintain their land according to UN standards.
This piece of legislation will give MORE land to the UN via this treaty. Something that should be noted…Florida Commissioner of Agriculture, Adam Putnam IS NOT OPPOSED to the UN taking our land. He said this is not an issue that Floridians have control over, it is a federal issue. Adam Putnam believes that Florida has less control over its land, than the federal government and the UN. This mentality destructive to our Liberty and Adam Putnam is endorsing global control over Florida land. Here are his words:
“This effort is part of the Wetland Reserve Program (WRP), a federal program administered by USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) that requires no state approval or acceptance. (emphasis added)”
For MORE EDUCATION Adam Putnam’s perspective on transferring private property to the UN please visit:
· Establish a Constitutional Right for government to expand the lands covered under the World Heritage Treaty. That means the UN will have even more land to control in Florida. This amendment is destructive to individual property rights and the control of Florida over its own land.
Amendment 2: Florida Right to Medical Marijuana Initiative: (This amendment adds another section to the Constitution) The measure, upon voter approval, would legalize medical marijuana. Specifically, the measure would guarantee the following:
The Florida Department of Health would be responsible for regulating medical marijuana. The department would issue and regulate patient identification cards and personal caregiver identification cards, develop procedures related to medical marijuana treatment centers and institute regulations defining reasonable amounts of marijuana for medical use. The department would be required to protect the confidentiality of all patients.
Much of the opposition to this law seems to stem out of misunderstanding and fear of legalization of marijuana. This Amendment does not legalize marijuana and is not a pathway to legalization. It does give access to a valuable medicinal resource that has been kept from the people through improper government control and criminalization. We already have medicinal opiates and barbiturates and Doctors prescribe them regularly. You can by medicinal alcohol over the counter at any drug store, just read the ingredients to any liquid cold medication. The proven benefits of medical marijuana cannot be denied and why would a civilized society deny people medical care that can vastly improve their quality of life?
The constitutional amendment contains six limitations on how the amendment's language can be construed:
FACT: This is simply not true. In their decision placing Amendment 2 on the November ballot, the Florida Supreme Court affirmed that only patients with “debilitating” diseases and medical conditions would qualify for medical marijuana.
CLAIM: “Teens will be able to legally purchase pot without their parents’ consent.”
FACT: Wrong again. In order to purchase medical marijuana, you would need a doctor’s recommendation. Under Florida law, barring a few extenuating circumstances, physicians are not allowed to provide medical treatment to minors without parental or guardian consent, so this is a groundless concern.
CLAIM: Amendment 2 will lead to a “pill mill”-like scenario in Florida. “Pot docs” will “spring up next to restaurants, schools, churches and supermarkets.”
FACT: The State of Florida’s office of Economic and Demographic Research has already addressed this issue. They have said the physician examination requirement, the application process with the Department of Health, the regulatory structure that would be implemented by that same body and subsequent protective laws that may be passed by the legislature would make this scenario extremely unlikely. (See pages 10-11 of OEDR Financial Information Statement)
CLAIM: The website further contends that “felons-even drug dealers” would be able to qualify as caregivers in order to administer medical cannabis to severely ill patients.
FACT: This claim requires the reader to assume that the state will implement Amendment 2 in an irresponsible way. If the amendment is passed, the Florida Department of Health will be tasked with issuing detailed regulations regarding qualification requirements for caregivers. During that process United for Care will fight alongside any organization that, like us, is concerned about making sure nobody with a record of dealing drugs can become a qualified caregiver.
· Establish a Constitutional Right for people to have access to medical marijuana if their doctor deems it to be a part of the treatment plan and follows the proper regulations established by the State of Florida.
Amendment 3: Florida Prospective Judicial Vacancies (This amendment would amend Sections 10 and 11 of Article V of the Florida Constitution.) Judicial appointments can only be accomplished by constitutional amendment. Currently, a justice’s term of office runs concurrent to the governors. Amendment 3 solves the question of who appoints these vacancies if there is a change of governors at the conclusion of the justice’s term. This amendment will allow outgoing governors to appoint judges that will sit under the newly elected governor. A YES VOTE ON AMENDMENT 3 will:
· Clarify existing constitutional language to specify that the outgoing governor appoints incoming Florida Supreme Court Justices and district court of appeal judges if a vacancy occurs at the same time as the outgoing governor’s term ends.
· The governor would be able to "prospectively" appoint judges; he or she could make court appointments where seats are vacated on inauguration day.
EDITOR’S NOTE: I have always had a problem with governors appointing judges. It creates a political monarchy where the political power in control dictates the decisions of the court. I would like to see an amendment that puts the judges under the choice of the people.
This website Educator agrees!
As a general rule I am opposed to Constitutional Amendments, unless it is a truly Constitutional issue. Our Constitution is supposed to be the Supreme Law of the State, establishing guidelines for government, fundamental rights belonging to Floridians, and principles by which we are to govern. Statutes, on the other hand, are supposed to be the instrument we use to enact laws through legislation in our Republican form of government. Florida has gotten very lazy about these distinctions.
I had hoped we had learned about cluttering up our Constitution when we passed the “pregnant pig” and the “super train” amendments. With those two examples in mind, I would like those who view this guide to keep in mind a few things:
When you vote YES and pass a Constitutional Amendment you are creating a constitutionally protected RIGHT to something which includes the appropriate protections and assignments.
Constitutionally protected rights must be provided under equal access of the law to all citizens of the state, without discrimination.
If you vote YES, the only way to fix that amendment is through another Constitutional Amendment.
Amendment 1 Florida Water and Land Conservation Initiative: (This amendment will add another section to the Constitution)
Amendment 1 is a very dangerous thing. First and foremost this type of "legislation" should NEVER become a Constitutional Amendment. We have done a great disservice to our Constitution in Florida by allowing legislative issues to pollute our Constitution. This amendment would establish a Constitutional Right for government to expand government control over private land and increase the control of the United Nations over Florida Land.
It will remove private property rights from our land owners and transfer them to the discretion and control of environmental lobbyists. Additionally because of the World Heritage Treaty this legislation will transfer the maintenance and control of more Florida land to the United Nations. Very few people in Florida know that the Everglades are classified as a "World Heritage Site" placing maintenance and control of these lands in the hands of UNESCO through the World Heritage Treaty.
A World Heritage site is a geographical area that is of global environmental or cultural significance. Declaring an area a World Heritage site establishes that governments must submit to the monitoring of these sites by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). UNESCO then has the power and authority to seize control these sites if the World Heritage Committee determines intervention is necessary to properly maintain the sites or some “crisis” has occurred that requires intervention. Apparently, Florida’s everglades are listed as a World Heritage site. The Everglades are number 76 on a list of sites worldwide. The Everglades are already classified as being in a state of crisis. This means that UNESCO can move in at any time and force Floridians to maintain their land according to UN standards.
This piece of legislation will give MORE land to the UN via this treaty. Something that should be noted…Florida Commissioner of Agriculture, Adam Putnam IS NOT OPPOSED to the UN taking our land. He said this is not an issue that Floridians have control over, it is a federal issue. Adam Putnam believes that Florida has less control over its land, than the federal government and the UN. This mentality destructive to our Liberty and Adam Putnam is endorsing global control over Florida land. Here are his words:
“This effort is part of the Wetland Reserve Program (WRP), a federal program administered by USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) that requires no state approval or acceptance. (emphasis added)”
For MORE EDUCATION Adam Putnam’s perspective on transferring private property to the UN please visit:
· Establish a Constitutional Right for government to expand the lands covered under the World Heritage Treaty. That means the UN will have even more land to control in Florida. This amendment is destructive to individual property rights and the control of Florida over its own land.
Amendment 2: Florida Right to Medical Marijuana Initiative: (This amendment adds another section to the Constitution) The measure, upon voter approval, would legalize medical marijuana. Specifically, the measure would guarantee the following:
The Florida Department of Health would be responsible for regulating medical marijuana. The department would issue and regulate patient identification cards and personal caregiver identification cards, develop procedures related to medical marijuana treatment centers and institute regulations defining reasonable amounts of marijuana for medical use. The department would be required to protect the confidentiality of all patients.
Much of the opposition to this law seems to stem out of misunderstanding and fear of legalization of marijuana. This Amendment does not legalize marijuana and is not a pathway to legalization. It does give access to a valuable medicinal resource that has been kept from the people through improper government control and criminalization. We already have medicinal opiates and barbiturates and Doctors prescribe them regularly. You can by medicinal alcohol over the counter at any drug store, just read the ingredients to any liquid cold medication. The proven benefits of medical marijuana cannot be denied and why would a civilized society deny people medical care that can vastly improve their quality of life?
The constitutional amendment contains six limitations on how the amendment's language can be construed:
- The amendment does not “affect laws relating to non-medical use, possession, production or sale of marijuana.”
- The amendment does not authorize “the use of medical marijuana by anyone other than a qualifying patient.”
- The amendment does not allow for the “operation of a motor vehicle, boat, or aircraft while under the influence of marijuana.”
- The amendment does not require accommodations for medical marijuana use “in any place of education or employment, or of smoking medical marijuana in any public place.”
- The amendment does not require “any health insurance provider or any government agency or authority to reimburse any person for expenses related to the medical use of marijuana.”
- The amendment does not require “the violation of federal law or purports to give immunity under federal law.”
FACT: This is simply not true. In their decision placing Amendment 2 on the November ballot, the Florida Supreme Court affirmed that only patients with “debilitating” diseases and medical conditions would qualify for medical marijuana.
CLAIM: “Teens will be able to legally purchase pot without their parents’ consent.”
FACT: Wrong again. In order to purchase medical marijuana, you would need a doctor’s recommendation. Under Florida law, barring a few extenuating circumstances, physicians are not allowed to provide medical treatment to minors without parental or guardian consent, so this is a groundless concern.
CLAIM: Amendment 2 will lead to a “pill mill”-like scenario in Florida. “Pot docs” will “spring up next to restaurants, schools, churches and supermarkets.”
FACT: The State of Florida’s office of Economic and Demographic Research has already addressed this issue. They have said the physician examination requirement, the application process with the Department of Health, the regulatory structure that would be implemented by that same body and subsequent protective laws that may be passed by the legislature would make this scenario extremely unlikely. (See pages 10-11 of OEDR Financial Information Statement)
CLAIM: The website further contends that “felons-even drug dealers” would be able to qualify as caregivers in order to administer medical cannabis to severely ill patients.
FACT: This claim requires the reader to assume that the state will implement Amendment 2 in an irresponsible way. If the amendment is passed, the Florida Department of Health will be tasked with issuing detailed regulations regarding qualification requirements for caregivers. During that process United for Care will fight alongside any organization that, like us, is concerned about making sure nobody with a record of dealing drugs can become a qualified caregiver.
· Establish a Constitutional Right for people to have access to medical marijuana if their doctor deems it to be a part of the treatment plan and follows the proper regulations established by the State of Florida.
Amendment 3: Florida Prospective Judicial Vacancies (This amendment would amend Sections 10 and 11 of Article V of the Florida Constitution.) Judicial appointments can only be accomplished by constitutional amendment. Currently, a justice’s term of office runs concurrent to the governors. Amendment 3 solves the question of who appoints these vacancies if there is a change of governors at the conclusion of the justice’s term. This amendment will allow outgoing governors to appoint judges that will sit under the newly elected governor. A YES VOTE ON AMENDMENT 3 will:
· Clarify existing constitutional language to specify that the outgoing governor appoints incoming Florida Supreme Court Justices and district court of appeal judges if a vacancy occurs at the same time as the outgoing governor’s term ends.
· The governor would be able to "prospectively" appoint judges; he or she could make court appointments where seats are vacated on inauguration day.
EDITOR’S NOTE: I have always had a problem with governors appointing judges. It creates a political monarchy where the political power in control dictates the decisions of the court. I would like to see an amendment that puts the judges under the choice of the people.
This website Educator agrees!

Benjamin Franklin reminded his people as they engaged in the debates over the foundation of this nation:
“In the beginning of the contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in this room for Divine Protection- all of us who were engaged in the struggle, must have observed frequent instances of Superintending Providence in our favor. Have we now forgotten that powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance?”
Because we have forgotten that powerful Friend- we do not find ourselves in an economic crisis, we are not in a political crisis, and may I just lift the veil of illusion, we are not in a national security crisis. Because we have forgotten that powerful Friend we find ourselves in a MORAL crisis. This moral crisis has led to a loss of honor in this nation- a loss of honor in our government.
What is honor? Honor is integrity plus character working together in the mechanisms of morality. Integrity is not doing the wrong thing. Character is doing what is right just because it is right, even if it is not politically advantageous or popular. Lack of Honor in this nation has the immoral leading the Justice Department, the immoral leading the IRS, the immoral leading our Congress and the immoral leading the White House. And now this immorality has infected the Supreme Court. Where the highest court of the land is no longer bound to the highest law of the land and can declare, without any conviction whatsoever, that I have no rights unless I declare them. Because we have forgotten that powerful Friend, we have forgotten that our rights do not come from government, our rights do not come from the Supreme Court- Our rights come from God and I don’t have to declare them, our framers already did!
But losers point fingers and winners fix problems. It’s time to stop pointing fingers and start working to recover our Constitution, recover our Liberty, and recover our faith. But we will ONLY succeed if we remember that powerful Friend. We must remember we are not a reflection of our government; our government is a reflection of its people and those with honor, those with character, those with integrity are not reflecting very brightly.
If a sparrow cannot fall to the earth without God knowing, is it possible for a nation to prosper without His aid? We must fix this problem; our future depends upon it, our children are depending upon us! Sam Adams said:
“If we tamely suffer a lawless attack on liberty, we encourage it. Doing nothing is NOT doing nothing. He is explaining to us, that sitting around complaining is not doing nothing it is actually being a cheerleader for tyranny! He says, if we tamely suffer a lawless attack on tyranny, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom. It is a serious consideration, as ages and millions yet unborn will be the miserable sharers of our experience. The liberty we lose today is not ours. We are living in the luxury of liberty bought with the sacrifices of generations that have come before us. The liberty that we squander today is the liberty of ages and millions yet unborn.
I always find it ironic, that our framers said over and over again that they were pledging Life, Fortune, and Sacred Honor for ages and millions yet unborn, they gave everything they had to give because they knew the unborn had a right to liberty. But how do we treat the unborn today? We don’t even give them the right to life! If we want to put honor back in government, we MUST put God back in our homes and back in our education. Patriots, it is time to start reflecting God! So we have a government that reflects morality.
If America is to perish from the earth it will not be because of bullets and bombs- it will be because we have forgotten that powerful Friend. And it won’t be because of me, it will be in spite of me. I am going to fight, I will labor, I will toil until my last breath to ensure that we have a Constitution that will ensure that ages an millions yet unborn will enjoy the liberty that men and women have died for so that WE could enjoy Liberty. Daniel Webster addressed his people, on July 4, 1806 and asked, “Is our Constitution worth preserving?” I ask you that question today? Is our Constitution worth preserving? He said,
“then, guard it as you would the very seat of your life. Guard it not only against the open blows of violence, but also against those seeds of change. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years may never happen again. Such a government once destroyed would leave a void to be filled, perhaps for centuries, with riot, tumult, despotism, and revolution.”
Is our Constitution worth preserving? You see we have all the motivation we need right here in this room. Will all those under the age of 25 please stand? I travel all over this country. I am sometimes away from my family for 3 weeks or more at a time. The only motivation I need , I want to show you, because it is the only motivation I need, is in the eyes of these young people. We have a responsibility, our Constitution demands it. We don’t have a Constitution to create a government, we have a Constitution, as it proclaims, “to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” Our Liberty has been secured for us now it’s time for us to pick up that mantle and secure it for them. So as you walk through your life from this day forward and lock eyes with these young people, no matter where you go, the only question that can come to your mind is this, “what have I done to secure their liberty today?” It is a daily question, it is a daily challenge, a daily responsibility. And if you cannot answer in the affirmative, then you have answered already with Daniel Webster’s call, “a government once destroyed will have a void to be filled.” And if you have done nothing to secure their liberty today, what you are doing is condemning them to “perhaps with centuries of riot, tumult, despotisms and revolution.” Which one of generations do you want to condemn to the pits of slavery?
It is our turn to pick up that mantle, so that these young people will not have to buy back a gift that we were supposed to purchase for them. They will not have the luxury of doing it from the ballot box or through petition, they will be forced to do it with their blood. Winston Churchill said,
“still if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when the victory is sure and not too costly, you may have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. Yet, there may even be a worse case. You may have to fight, when there is no hope of victory, for it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
So America, we have a mantle to pick up, we have a charge to take. It is time for you to get on your knees and beg the God who is the author of mercy for the mercy he has to give to us, for the grace he has to give to us, for the strength that it is going to take to stand against this framework of the antichrist that is flourishing in front of our faces. Get on your knees and pray to that powerful Friend.
And when you are done praying, STAND. Stand for God. Stand for good. Stand for all that is right and true. Stand for the Constitution. Stand for Liberty. Stand against the fiery darts of tyranny.
And having done all, Patriots, remember that powerful Friend and STAND!
Re-posted from www.KrisAnneHall.com
Benjamin Franklin reminded his people as they engaged in the debates over the foundation of this nation:
“In the beginning of the contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in this room for Divine Protection- all of us who were engaged in the struggle, must have observed frequent instances of Superintending Providence in our favor. Have we now forgotten that powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance?”
Because we have forgotten that powerful Friend- we do not find ourselves in an economic crisis, we are not in a political crisis, and may I just lift the veil of illusion, we are not in a national security crisis. Because we have forgotten that powerful Friend we find ourselves in a MORAL crisis. This moral crisis has led to a loss of honor in this nation- a loss of honor in our government.
What is honor? Honor is integrity plus character working together in the mechanisms of morality. Integrity is not doing the wrong thing. Character is doing what is right just because it is right, even if it is not politically advantageous or popular. Lack of Honor in this nation has the immoral leading the Justice Department, the immoral leading the IRS, the immoral leading our Congress and the immoral leading the White House. And now this immorality has infected the Supreme Court. Where the highest court of the land is no longer bound to the highest law of the land and can declare, without any conviction whatsoever, that I have no rights unless I declare them. Because we have forgotten that powerful Friend, we have forgotten that our rights do not come from government, our rights do not come from the Supreme Court- Our rights come from God and I don’t have to declare them, our framers already did!
But losers point fingers and winners fix problems. It’s time to stop pointing fingers and start working to recover our Constitution, recover our Liberty, and recover our faith. But we will ONLY succeed if we remember that powerful Friend. We must remember we are not a reflection of our government; our government is a reflection of its people and those with honor, those with character, those with integrity are not reflecting very brightly.
If a sparrow cannot fall to the earth without God knowing, is it possible for a nation to prosper without His aid? We must fix this problem; our future depends upon it, our children are depending upon us! Sam Adams said:
“If we tamely suffer a lawless attack on liberty, we encourage it. Doing nothing is NOT doing nothing. He is explaining to us, that sitting around complaining is not doing nothing it is actually being a cheerleader for tyranny! He says, if we tamely suffer a lawless attack on tyranny, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom. It is a serious consideration, as ages and millions yet unborn will be the miserable sharers of our experience. The liberty we lose today is not ours. We are living in the luxury of liberty bought with the sacrifices of generations that have come before us. The liberty that we squander today is the liberty of ages and millions yet unborn.
I always find it ironic, that our framers said over and over again that they were pledging Life, Fortune, and Sacred Honor for ages and millions yet unborn, they gave everything they had to give because they knew the unborn had a right to liberty. But how do we treat the unborn today? We don’t even give them the right to life! If we want to put honor back in government, we MUST put God back in our homes and back in our education. Patriots, it is time to start reflecting God! So we have a government that reflects morality.
If America is to perish from the earth it will not be because of bullets and bombs- it will be because we have forgotten that powerful Friend. And it won’t be because of me, it will be in spite of me. I am going to fight, I will labor, I will toil until my last breath to ensure that we have a Constitution that will ensure that ages an millions yet unborn will enjoy the liberty that men and women have died for so that WE could enjoy Liberty. Daniel Webster addressed his people, on July 4, 1806 and asked, “Is our Constitution worth preserving?” I ask you that question today? Is our Constitution worth preserving? He said,
“then, guard it as you would the very seat of your life. Guard it not only against the open blows of violence, but also against those seeds of change. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years may never happen again. Such a government once destroyed would leave a void to be filled, perhaps for centuries, with riot, tumult, despotism, and revolution.”
Is our Constitution worth preserving? You see we have all the motivation we need right here in this room. Will all those under the age of 25 please stand? I travel all over this country. I am sometimes away from my family for 3 weeks or more at a time. The only motivation I need , I want to show you, because it is the only motivation I need, is in the eyes of these young people. We have a responsibility, our Constitution demands it. We don’t have a Constitution to create a government, we have a Constitution, as it proclaims, “to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” Our Liberty has been secured for us now it’s time for us to pick up that mantle and secure it for them. So as you walk through your life from this day forward and lock eyes with these young people, no matter where you go, the only question that can come to your mind is this, “what have I done to secure their liberty today?” It is a daily question, it is a daily challenge, a daily responsibility. And if you cannot answer in the affirmative, then you have answered already with Daniel Webster’s call, “a government once destroyed will have a void to be filled.” And if you have done nothing to secure their liberty today, what you are doing is condemning them to “perhaps with centuries of riot, tumult, despotisms and revolution.” Which one of generations do you want to condemn to the pits of slavery?
It is our turn to pick up that mantle, so that these young people will not have to buy back a gift that we were supposed to purchase for them. They will not have the luxury of doing it from the ballot box or through petition, they will be forced to do it with their blood. Winston Churchill said,
“still if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when the victory is sure and not too costly, you may have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. Yet, there may even be a worse case. You may have to fight, when there is no hope of victory, for it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
So America, we have a mantle to pick up, we have a charge to take. It is time for you to get on your knees and beg the God who is the author of mercy for the mercy he has to give to us, for the grace he has to give to us, for the strength that it is going to take to stand against this framework of the antichrist that is flourishing in front of our faces. Get on your knees and pray to that powerful Friend.
And when you are done praying, STAND. Stand for God. Stand for good. Stand for all that is right and true. Stand for the Constitution. Stand for Liberty. Stand against the fiery darts of tyranny.
And having done all, Patriots, remember that powerful Friend and STAND!
Re-posted from www.KrisAnneHall.com

I have been traveling the country for the last two years, teaching people the true history of the founding of our nation. I do this because I believe two things: one, that God has placed a call on my life and two, those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat its mistakes.
Recently, I was able to spend two days with a room full of high school-aged, homeschooled students. It was amazing. The first day, we went through a practical exercise to teach both the difference between a democracy and a republic and the value of liberty as paramount to security. The second day I taught them the Roots of Liberty Seminar that I normally give to adults.
I was particularly nervous about the second day. How would I relate this history and these complex principles to people who have had few real life experiences with the economy, adult society, and political concerns or responsibility? I would be the one who would get a lesson that day.
I have been teaching for over two years the understanding the liberty is an inherent possession of man. I truly know that Liberty is a gift from God. But I more fully realized this as I spent two days with these young people. Because Liberty is inherent, teaching young people the value of Liberty was not as difficult as I had anticipated. I saw the evidence of that awakening in their spirits as I shed light in their minds on this great gift from God. The first day they were able to experience that Liberty means something and to determine that they would no longer be so flippant with its care. They really learned and understood what most of the people in government will never know and understand; Liberty can never be traded for security, not ever. Many went home after the first night and were enthusiastically telling their fathers all about the day’s lessons. They were excited about what they had learned. They were excited that learning about history and government was so much fun. They were excited to know that they were going back to hear more the next day. I was as amazed as the parents were.
But the second day, through the lamp of history and the oracle of truth, they were able to understand why Liberty is worth so much. These young people were captivated by their history. For 5 hours, a room full of 30 or more high school students listened intently to the history and the foundation of their nation. They learned about the battles against tyranny by those who were beginning, like them, to understand that Liberty is their possession; it was provided to them by God, bought by their forefathers with a price. They also understood, by the end of the day, that it is their responsibility to maintain this possession and not allow tyrants to bully them into giving it away. They really got it. They really understood what 99% of our politicians don’t. They now know that our nation was built with a purpose; the purpose to secure the blessings of Liberty for our posterity, for ages and millions yet unborn.
By the end of the day, my soul was so uplifted by their enthusiasm and patriotism; I could have stormed the doors of tyranny all by myself with a dull butter knife. But then it hit me. I paused long enough to look into their eager eyes, and it threw me to my knees. I was suddenly overwhelmed with sadness for what we have done to them, what we have given away on their behalf. I stopped my teaching and told them that I had to apologize. I suddenly realized the mess that we left behind for them. I was weeping in front of a room full of teenagers now, and I could not stop myself. I looked into their eyes and realized, through our ignorance and our negligence we have condemned them to purchase back a gift that was given to us; a gift that we were supposed to secure for them, not require them to secure for themselves. I got angry for a minute, but that anger made me even more resolved. I told them,
“Don’t you dare use our negligence as an excuse. You go out and fight for what is rightfully yours. If the government tells you that you cannot speak, does that make you mute? If the government tells you that you cannot assemble, does that imprison you? If the government tells you that you cannot freely worship God, does that silence your soul?” To each question, with wide eyes, they responded “no.” I told them, “Then do not be silenced, do not be imprisoned, and let your soul cry out. Because I promise you, from this day forward, I will do everything I am both humanly and supernaturally able to do to take back ground for you. I will do everything I can to make sure that you have the Liberty that was purchased for you, that belongs to you, that you are entitled to have as a glorious gift from God. I promise!”
I took an oath when I joined the military to support and defend the Constitution. I took an oath when I was sworn in as an attorney in the state of Florida to support and defend the Constitution. I took the same oath when I was sworn in as an Assistant State Attorney for Florida. I know that these oaths NEVER expire. That day, with those future leaders of America, I took another oath, one that will never expire, one that I will fight to keep to my very dying breath. This is why I do what I do. This is why my family and I travel all over the country. This is why I teach. For Liberty. For America. For our children.
Re-posted from www.KrisAnneHall.com
I have been traveling the country for the last two years, teaching people the true history of the founding of our nation. I do this because I believe two things: one, that God has placed a call on my life and two, those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat its mistakes.
Recently, I was able to spend two days with a room full of high school-aged, homeschooled students. It was amazing. The first day, we went through a practical exercise to teach both the difference between a democracy and a republic and the value of liberty as paramount to security. The second day I taught them the Roots of Liberty Seminar that I normally give to adults.
I was particularly nervous about the second day. How would I relate this history and these complex principles to people who have had few real life experiences with the economy, adult society, and political concerns or responsibility? I would be the one who would get a lesson that day.
I have been teaching for over two years the understanding the liberty is an inherent possession of man. I truly know that Liberty is a gift from God. But I more fully realized this as I spent two days with these young people. Because Liberty is inherent, teaching young people the value of Liberty was not as difficult as I had anticipated. I saw the evidence of that awakening in their spirits as I shed light in their minds on this great gift from God. The first day they were able to experience that Liberty means something and to determine that they would no longer be so flippant with its care. They really learned and understood what most of the people in government will never know and understand; Liberty can never be traded for security, not ever. Many went home after the first night and were enthusiastically telling their fathers all about the day’s lessons. They were excited about what they had learned. They were excited that learning about history and government was so much fun. They were excited to know that they were going back to hear more the next day. I was as amazed as the parents were.
But the second day, through the lamp of history and the oracle of truth, they were able to understand why Liberty is worth so much. These young people were captivated by their history. For 5 hours, a room full of 30 or more high school students listened intently to the history and the foundation of their nation. They learned about the battles against tyranny by those who were beginning, like them, to understand that Liberty is their possession; it was provided to them by God, bought by their forefathers with a price. They also understood, by the end of the day, that it is their responsibility to maintain this possession and not allow tyrants to bully them into giving it away. They really got it. They really understood what 99% of our politicians don’t. They now know that our nation was built with a purpose; the purpose to secure the blessings of Liberty for our posterity, for ages and millions yet unborn.
By the end of the day, my soul was so uplifted by their enthusiasm and patriotism; I could have stormed the doors of tyranny all by myself with a dull butter knife. But then it hit me. I paused long enough to look into their eager eyes, and it threw me to my knees. I was suddenly overwhelmed with sadness for what we have done to them, what we have given away on their behalf. I stopped my teaching and told them that I had to apologize. I suddenly realized the mess that we left behind for them. I was weeping in front of a room full of teenagers now, and I could not stop myself. I looked into their eyes and realized, through our ignorance and our negligence we have condemned them to purchase back a gift that was given to us; a gift that we were supposed to secure for them, not require them to secure for themselves. I got angry for a minute, but that anger made me even more resolved. I told them,
“Don’t you dare use our negligence as an excuse. You go out and fight for what is rightfully yours. If the government tells you that you cannot speak, does that make you mute? If the government tells you that you cannot assemble, does that imprison you? If the government tells you that you cannot freely worship God, does that silence your soul?” To each question, with wide eyes, they responded “no.” I told them, “Then do not be silenced, do not be imprisoned, and let your soul cry out. Because I promise you, from this day forward, I will do everything I am both humanly and supernaturally able to do to take back ground for you. I will do everything I can to make sure that you have the Liberty that was purchased for you, that belongs to you, that you are entitled to have as a glorious gift from God. I promise!”
I took an oath when I joined the military to support and defend the Constitution. I took an oath when I was sworn in as an attorney in the state of Florida to support and defend the Constitution. I took the same oath when I was sworn in as an Assistant State Attorney for Florida. I know that these oaths NEVER expire. That day, with those future leaders of America, I took another oath, one that will never expire, one that I will fight to keep to my very dying breath. This is why I do what I do. This is why my family and I travel all over the country. This is why I teach. For Liberty. For America. For our children.
Re-posted from www.KrisAnneHall.com